Commit 817a6782 authored by Manoel Campos's avatar Manoel Campos

Removal of duplicated documentation on methods inherited from a superclass or interface.

The documentation was updated in subclasses that effectively had any difference from the inherited class/interface.
In these cases, the tag {@inheritDoc} was used to extend the documentation in the subclass and avoid documentation duplication.
parent 35c31997
......@@ -5,7 +5,6 @@
* Copyright (c) 2009-2012, The University of Melbourne, Australia
package org.cloudbus.cloudsim;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
......@@ -16,1520 +15,1623 @@ import java.util.List;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.core.CloudSim;
* Cloudlet is an extension to the cloudlet.
* It stores, despite all the information encapsulated in the Cloudlet, the ID of the VM running it.
* Cloudlet is an extension to the cloudlet. It stores, despite all the
* information encapsulated in the Cloudlet, the ID of the VM running it.
* @author Rodrigo N. Calheiros
* @author Anton Beloglazov
* @since CloudSim Toolkit 1.0
* @todo The documentation is wrong. Cloudlet isn't extending any class.
public class Cloudlet {
/** The cloudlet ID. */
private final int cloudletId;
* The User or Broker ID. It is advisable that broker set this ID with its own ID, so that
* CloudResource returns to it after the execution.
private int userId;
* The execution length of this Cloudlet (Unit: in Million Instructions (MI)).
* According to this length and the power of the processor
* (in Million Instruction Per Second - MIPS)
* where the cloudlet will be run, the cloudlet will take a given time
* to finish processing. For instance, for a cloudlet of 10000 MI
* running on a processor of 2000 MIPS, the cloudlet will
* spend 5 seconds using the processor in order to be completed
* (that may be uninterrupted or not, depending on the scheduling policy).
* @see #setNumberOfPes(int)
private long cloudletLength;
* The input file size of this Cloudlet before execution (unit: in byte).
* This size has to be considered the program + input data sizes.
private final long cloudletFileSize;
/** The output file size of this Cloudlet after execution (unit: in byte).
* @todo See <a href="!topic/cloudsim/MyZ7OnrXuuI">this discussion</a>
private final long cloudletOutputSize;
/** The number of Processing Elements (Pe) required to execute this cloudlet (job).
* @see #setNumberOfPes(int)
private int numberOfPes;
/** The execution status of this Cloudlet.
* @todo It would be an enum, to avoid using int constants.
private int status;
* The execution start time of this Cloudlet. With new functionalities, such as CANCEL, PAUSED and
* RESUMED, this attribute only stores the latest execution time. Previous execution time are
* ignored.
private double execStartTime;
/** The time where this Cloudlet completes. */
private double finishTime;
/** The ID of a reservation made for this cloudlet.
* @todo This attribute doesn't appear to be used
private int reservationId = -1;
/** Indicates if transaction history records for this Cloudlet
* is to be outputted. */
private final boolean record;
/** Stores the operating system line separator. */
private String newline;
/** The cloudlet transaction history. */
private StringBuffer history;
/** The list of every resource where the cloudlet has been executed.
In case it starts and finishes executing in a single cloud resource,
without being migrated, this list will have only one item.*/
private final List<Resource> resList;
/** The index of the last resource where the cloudlet was executed.
If the cloudlet is migrated during its execution, this index
is updated. The value -1 indicates the cloudlet has not been executed
private int index;
/** The classType or priority of this Cloudlet for scheduling on a resource. */
private int classType;
/** The Type of Service (ToS) of IPv4 for sending Cloudlet over the network. */
private int netToS;
/** The format of decimal numbers. */
private DecimalFormat num;
// //////////////////////////////////////////
// Below are CONSTANTS attributes
/** The Cloudlet has been created and added to the CloudletList object. */
public static final int CREATED = 0;
/** The Cloudlet has been assigned to a CloudResource object to be executed as planned. */
public static final int READY = 1;
/** The Cloudlet has moved to a Cloud node. */
public static final int QUEUED = 2;
/** The Cloudlet is in execution in a Cloud node. */
public static final int INEXEC = 3;
/** The Cloudlet has been executed successfully. */
public static final int SUCCESS = 4;
/** The Cloudlet has failed. */
public static final int FAILED = 5;
/** The Cloudlet has been canceled. */
public static final int CANCELED = 6;
* The Cloudlet has been paused. It can be resumed by changing the status into <tt>RESUMED</tt>.
public static final int PAUSED = 7;
/** The Cloudlet has been resumed from <tt>PAUSED</tt> state. */
public static final int RESUMED = 8;
/** The cloudlet has failed due to a resource failure. */
public static final int FAILED_RESOURCE_UNAVAILABLE = 9;
/** The id of the vm that is planned to execute the cloudlet. */
protected int vmId;
/** The cost of each byte of bandwidth (bw) consumed. */
protected double costPerBw;
/** The total bandwidth (bw) cost for transferring the cloudlet by the network,
* according to the {@link #cloudletFileSize}. */
protected double accumulatedBwCost;
// Utilization
/** The utilization model that defines how the cloudlet will use the VM's CPU. */
private UtilizationModel utilizationModelCpu;
/** The utilization model that defines how the cloudlet will use the VM's RAM. */
private UtilizationModel utilizationModelRam;
/** The utilization model that defines how the cloudlet will use the VM's bandwidth (bw). */
private UtilizationModel utilizationModelBw;
// Data cloudlet
/** The required files to be used by the cloudlet (if any).
* The time to transfer these files by the network is considered when
* placing the cloudlet inside a given VM */
private List<String> requiredFiles = null;
* Allocates a new Cloudlet object. The Cloudlet length, input and output file sizes should be
* greater than or equal to 1. By default this constructor sets the history of this object.
* @param cloudletId the unique ID of this Cloudlet
* @param cloudletLength the length or size (in MI) of this cloudlet to be executed in a
* PowerDatacenter
* @param cloudletFileSize the file size (in byte) of this cloudlet <tt>BEFORE</tt> submitting
* to a Datacenter
* @param cloudletOutputSize the file size (in byte) of this cloudlet <tt>AFTER</tt> finish
* executing by a Datacenter
* @param pesNumber the pes number
* @param utilizationModelCpu the utilization model of cpu
* @param utilizationModelRam the utilization model of ram
* @param utilizationModelBw the utilization model of bw
* @pre cloudletID >= 0
* @pre cloudletLength >= 0.0
* @pre cloudletFileSize >= 1
* @pre cloudletOutputSize >= 1
* @post $none
public Cloudlet(
final int cloudletId,
final long cloudletLength,
final int pesNumber,
final long cloudletFileSize,
final long cloudletOutputSize,
final UtilizationModel utilizationModelCpu,
final UtilizationModel utilizationModelRam,
final UtilizationModel utilizationModelBw) {
vmId = -1;
accumulatedBwCost = 0.0;
costPerBw = 0.0;
requiredFiles = new LinkedList<String>();
* Allocates a new Cloudlet object. The Cloudlet length, input and output file sizes should be
* greater than or equal to 1.
* @param cloudletId the unique ID of this cloudlet
* @param cloudletLength the length or size (in MI) of this cloudlet to be executed in a
* PowerDatacenter
* @param cloudletFileSize the file size (in byte) of this cloudlet <tt>BEFORE</tt> submitting
* to a PowerDatacenter
* @param cloudletOutputSize the file size (in byte) of this cloudlet <tt>AFTER</tt> finish
* executing by a PowerDatacenter
* @param record record the history of this object or not
* @param fileList list of files required by this cloudlet
* @param pesNumber the pes number
* @param utilizationModelCpu the utilization model of cpu
* @param utilizationModelRam the utilization model of ram
* @param utilizationModelBw the utilization model of bw
* @pre cloudletID >= 0
* @pre cloudletLength >= 0.0
* @pre cloudletFileSize >= 1
* @pre cloudletOutputSize >= 1
* @post $none
public Cloudlet(
final int cloudletId,
final long cloudletLength,
final int pesNumber,
final long cloudletFileSize,
final long cloudletOutputSize,
final UtilizationModel utilizationModelCpu,
final UtilizationModel utilizationModelRam,
final UtilizationModel utilizationModelBw,
final boolean record,
final List<String> fileList) {
vmId = -1;
accumulatedBwCost = 0.0;
costPerBw = 0.0;
requiredFiles = fileList;
* Allocates a new Cloudlet object. The Cloudlet length, input and output file sizes should be
* greater than or equal to 1. By default this constructor sets the history of this object.
* @param cloudletId the unique ID of this Cloudlet
* @param cloudletLength the length or size (in MI) of this cloudlet to be executed in a
* PowerDatacenter
* @param cloudletFileSize the file size (in byte) of this cloudlet <tt>BEFORE</tt> submitting
* to a PowerDatacenter
* @param cloudletOutputSize the file size (in byte) of this cloudlet <tt>AFTER</tt> finish
* executing by a PowerDatacenter
* @param fileList list of files required by this cloudlet
* @param pesNumber the pes number
* @param utilizationModelCpu the utilization model of cpu
* @param utilizationModelRam the utilization model of ram
* @param utilizationModelBw the utilization model of bw
* @pre cloudletID >= 0
* @pre cloudletLength >= 0.0
* @pre cloudletFileSize >= 1
* @pre cloudletOutputSize >= 1
* @post $none
public Cloudlet(
final int cloudletId,
final long cloudletLength,
final int pesNumber,
final long cloudletFileSize,
final long cloudletOutputSize,
final UtilizationModel utilizationModelCpu,
final UtilizationModel utilizationModelRam,
final UtilizationModel utilizationModelBw,
final List<String> fileList) {
vmId = -1;
accumulatedBwCost = 0.0;
costPerBw = 0.0;
requiredFiles = fileList;
* Allocates a new Cloudlet object. The Cloudlet length, input and output file sizes should be
* greater than or equal to 1.
* @param cloudletId the unique ID of this cloudlet
* @param cloudletLength the length or size (in MI) of this cloudlet to be executed in a
* PowerDatacenter
* @param cloudletFileSize the file size (in byte) of this cloudlet <tt>BEFORE</tt> submitting
* to a PowerDatacenter
* @param cloudletOutputSize the file size (in byte) of this cloudlet <tt>AFTER</tt> finish
* executing by a PowerDatacenter
* @param record record the history of this object or not
* @param pesNumber the pes number
* @param utilizationModelCpu the utilization model of cpu
* @param utilizationModelRam the utilization model of ram
* @param utilizationModelBw the utilization model of bw
* @pre cloudletID >= 0
* @pre cloudletLength >= 0.0
* @pre cloudletFileSize >= 1
* @pre cloudletOutputSize >= 1
* @post $none
public Cloudlet(
final int cloudletId,
final long cloudletLength,
final int pesNumber,
final long cloudletFileSize,
final long cloudletOutputSize,
final UtilizationModel utilizationModelCpu,
final UtilizationModel utilizationModelRam,
final UtilizationModel utilizationModelBw,
final boolean record) {
userId = -1; // to be set by a Broker or user
status = CREATED;
this.cloudletId = cloudletId;
numberOfPes = pesNumber;
execStartTime = 0.0;
finishTime = -1.0; // meaning this Cloudlet hasn't finished yet
classType = 0;
netToS = 0;
// Cloudlet length, Input and Output size should be at least 1 byte.
this.cloudletLength = Math.max(1, cloudletLength);
this.cloudletFileSize = Math.max(1, cloudletFileSize);
this.cloudletOutputSize = Math.max(1, cloudletOutputSize);
* The cloudlet ID.
private final int cloudletId;
* The User or Broker ID. It is advisable that broker set this ID with its
* own ID, so that CloudResource returns to it after the execution.
private int userId;
* The execution length of this Cloudlet (Unit: in Million Instructions
* (MI)). According to this length and the power of the processor (in
* Million Instruction Per Second - MIPS) where the cloudlet will be run,
* the cloudlet will take a given time to finish processing. For instance,
* for a cloudlet of 10000 MI running on a processor of 2000 MIPS, the
* cloudlet will spend 5 seconds using the processor in order to be
* completed (that may be uninterrupted or not, depending on the scheduling
* policy).
* @see #setNumberOfPes(int)
private long cloudletLength;
* The input file size of this Cloudlet before execution (unit: in byte).
* This size has to be considered the program + input data sizes.
private final long cloudletFileSize;
* The output file size of this Cloudlet after execution (unit: in byte).
* @todo See
* <a href="!topic/cloudsim/MyZ7OnrXuuI">this
* discussion</a>
private final long cloudletOutputSize;
* The number of Processing Elements (Pe) required to execute this cloudlet
* (job).
* @see #setNumberOfPes(int)
private int numberOfPes;
* The execution status of this Cloudlet.
* @todo It would be an enum, to avoid using int constants.
private int status;
* The execution start time of this Cloudlet. With new functionalities, such
* as CANCEL, PAUSED and RESUMED, this attribute only stores the latest
* execution time. Previous execution time are ignored.
private double execStartTime;
* The time where this Cloudlet completes.
private double finishTime;
* The ID of a reservation made for this cloudlet.
* @todo This attribute doesn't appear to be used
private int reservationId = -1;
* Indicates if transaction history records for this Cloudlet is to be
* outputted.
private final boolean record;
* Stores the operating system line separator.
private String newline;
* The cloudlet transaction history.
private StringBuffer history;
* The list of every resource where the cloudlet has been executed. In case
* it starts and finishes executing in a single cloud resource, without
* being migrated, this list will have only one item.
private final List<Resource> resList;
* The index of the last resource where the cloudlet was executed. If the
* cloudlet is migrated during its execution, this index is updated. The
* value -1 indicates the cloudlet has not been executed
private int index;
* The classType or priority of this Cloudlet for scheduling on a resource.
private int classType;
* The Type of Service (ToS) of IPv4 for sending Cloudlet over the network.
private int netToS;
* The format of decimal numbers.
private DecimalFormat num;
// //////////////////////////////////////////
// Below are CONSTANTS attributes
* The Cloudlet has been created and added to the CloudletList object.
public static final int CREATED = 0;
* The Cloudlet has been assigned to a CloudResource object to be executed
* as planned.
public static final int READY = 1;
* The Cloudlet has moved to a Cloud node.
public static final int QUEUED = 2;
* The Cloudlet is in execution in a Cloud node.
public static final int INEXEC = 3;
* The Cloudlet has been executed successfully.
public static final int SUCCESS = 4;
* The Cloudlet has failed.
public static final int FAILED = 5;
* The Cloudlet has been canceled.
public static final int CANCELED = 6;
* The Cloudlet has been paused. It can be resumed by changing the status
* into <tt>RESUMED</tt>.
public static final int PAUSED = 7;
* The Cloudlet has been resumed from <tt>PAUSED</tt> state.
public static final int RESUMED = 8;
* The cloudlet has failed due to a resource failure.
public static final int FAILED_RESOURCE_UNAVAILABLE = 9;
* The id of the vm that is planned to execute the cloudlet.
protected int vmId;
* The cost of each byte of bandwidth (bw) consumed.
protected double costPerBw;
* The total bandwidth (bw) cost for transferring the cloudlet by the
* network, according to the {@link #cloudletFileSize}.
protected double accumulatedBwCost;
// Utilization
* The utilization model that defines how the cloudlet will use the VM's
* CPU.
private UtilizationModel utilizationModelCpu;
* The utilization model that defines how the cloudlet will use the VM's
* RAM.
private UtilizationModel utilizationModelRam;
* The utilization model that defines how the cloudlet will use the VM's
* bandwidth (bw).
private UtilizationModel utilizationModelBw;
// Data cloudlet
* The required files to be used by the cloudlet (if any). The time to
* transfer these files by the network is considered when placing the
* cloudlet inside a given VM
private List<String> requiredFiles = null;
* Allocates a new Cloudlet object. The Cloudlet length, input and output
* file sizes should be greater than or equal to 1. By default this
* constructor sets the history of this object.
* @param cloudletId the unique ID of this Cloudlet
* @param cloudletLength the length or size (in MI) of this cloudlet to be
* executed in a PowerDatacenter
* @param cloudletFileSize the file size (in byte) of this cloudlet
* <tt>BEFORE</tt> submitting to a Datacenter
* @param cloudletOutputSize the file size (in byte) of this cloudlet
* <tt>AFTER</tt> finish executing by a Datacenter
* @param pesNumber the pes number
* @param utilizationModelCpu the utilization model of cpu
* @param utilizationModelRam the utilization model of ram
* @param utilizationModelBw the utilization model of bw
* @pre cloudletID >= 0
* @pre cloudletLength >= 0.0
* @pre cloudletFileSize >= 1
* @pre cloudletOutputSize >= 1
* @post $none
public Cloudlet(
final int cloudletId,
final long cloudletLength,
final int pesNumber,
final long cloudletFileSize,
final long cloudletOutputSize,
final UtilizationModel utilizationModelCpu,
final UtilizationModel utilizationModelRam,
final UtilizationModel utilizationModelBw) {
vmId = -1;
accumulatedBwCost = 0;
costPerBw = 0;
requiredFiles = new LinkedList<String>();
* Allocates a new Cloudlet object. The Cloudlet length, input and output
* file sizes should be greater than or equal to 1.
* @param cloudletId the unique ID of this cloudlet
* @param cloudletLength the length or size (in MI) of this cloudlet to be
* executed in a PowerDatacenter
* @param cloudletFileSize the file size (in byte) of this cloudlet
* <tt>BEFORE</tt> submitting to a PowerDatacenter
* @param cloudletOutputSize the file size (in byte) of this cloudlet
* <tt>AFTER</tt> finish executing by a PowerDatacenter
* @param record record the history of this object or not
* @param fileList list of files required by this cloudlet
* @param pesNumber the pes number
* @param utilizationModelCpu the utilization model of cpu
* @param utilizationModelRam the utilization model of ram
* @param utilizationModelBw the utilization model of bw
* @pre cloudletID >= 0
* @pre cloudletLength >= 0.0
* @pre cloudletFileSize >= 1
* @pre cloudletOutputSize >= 1
* @post $none
public Cloudlet(
final int cloudletId,
final long cloudletLength,
final int pesNumber,
final long cloudletFileSize,
final long cloudletOutputSize,
final UtilizationModel utilizationModelCpu,
final UtilizationModel utilizationModelRam,
final UtilizationModel utilizationModelBw,
final boolean record,
final List<String> fileList) {
vmId = -1;
accumulatedBwCost = 0.0;
costPerBw = 0.0;
requiredFiles = fileList;
* Allocates a new Cloudlet object. The Cloudlet length, input and output
* file sizes should be greater than or equal to 1. By default this
* constructor sets the history of this object.
* @param cloudletId the unique ID of this Cloudlet
* @param cloudletLength the length or size (in MI) of this cloudlet to be
* executed in a PowerDatacenter
* @param cloudletFileSize the file size (in byte) of this cloudlet
* <tt>BEFORE</tt> submitting to a PowerDatacenter
* @param cloudletOutputSize the file size (in byte) of this cloudlet
* <tt>AFTER</tt> finish executing by a PowerDatacenter
* @param fileList list of files required by this cloudlet
* @param pesNumber the pes number
* @param utilizationModelCpu the utilization model of cpu
* @param utilizationModelRam the utilization model of ram
* @param utilizationModelBw the utilization model of bw
* @pre cloudletID >= 0
* @pre cloudletLength >= 0.0
* @pre cloudletFileSize >= 1
* @pre cloudletOutputSize >= 1
* @post $none
public Cloudlet(
final int cloudletId,
final long cloudletLength,
final int pesNumber,
final long cloudletFileSize,
final long cloudletOutputSize,
final UtilizationModel utilizationModelCpu,
final UtilizationModel utilizationModelRam,
final UtilizationModel utilizationModelBw,
final List<String> fileList) {
vmId = -1;
accumulatedBwCost = 0.0;
costPerBw = 0.0;
requiredFiles = fileList;
* Allocates a new Cloudlet object. The Cloudlet length, input and output
* file sizes should be greater than or equal to 1.
* @param cloudletId the unique ID of this cloudlet
* @param cloudletLength the length or size (in MI) of this cloudlet to be
* executed in a PowerDatacenter
* @param cloudletFileSize the file size (in byte) of this cloudlet
* <tt>BEFORE</tt> submitting to a PowerDatacenter
* @param cloudletOutputSize the file size (in byte) of this cloudlet
* <tt>AFTER</tt> finish executing by a PowerDatacenter
* @param record record the history of this object or not
* @param pesNumber the pes number
* @param utilizationModelCpu the utilization model of cpu
* @param utilizationModelRam the utilization model of ram
* @param utilizationModelBw the utilization model of bw
* @pre cloudletID >= 0
* @pre cloudletLength >= 0.0
* @pre cloudletFileSize >= 1
* @pre cloudletOutputSize >= 1
* @post $none
public Cloudlet(
final int cloudletId,
final long cloudletLength,
final int pesNumber,
final long cloudletFileSize,
final long cloudletOutputSize,
final UtilizationModel utilizationModelCpu,
final UtilizationModel utilizationModelRam,
final UtilizationModel utilizationModelBw,
final boolean record) {
userId = -1; // to be set by a Broker or user
status = CREATED;
this.cloudletId = cloudletId;
numberOfPes = pesNumber;
execStartTime = 0.0;
finishTime = -1.0; // meaning this Cloudlet hasn't finished yet
classType = 0;
netToS = 0;
// Cloudlet length, Input and Output size should be at least 1 byte.
this.cloudletLength = Math.max(1, cloudletLength);
this.cloudletFileSize = Math.max(1, cloudletFileSize);
this.cloudletOutputSize = Math.max(1, cloudletOutputSize);
// Normally, a Cloudlet is only executed on a resource without being
// migrated to others. Hence, to reduce memory consumption, set the
// size of this ArrayList to be less than the default one.
resList = new ArrayList<Resource>(2);
index = -1;
this.record = record;
// migrated to others. Hence, to reduce memory consumption, set the
// size of this ArrayList to be less than the default one.
resList = new ArrayList<Resource>(2);
index = -1;
this.record = record;
vmId = -1;
accumulatedBwCost = 0.0;
costPerBw = 0.0;
vmId = -1;
accumulatedBwCost = 0.0;
costPerBw = 0.0;
requiredFiles = new LinkedList<String>();
requiredFiles = new LinkedList<String>();
// ////////////////////// INTERNAL CLASS ///////////////////////////////////
* Internal class that keeps track of Cloudlet's movement in different
* CloudResources. Each time a cloudlet is run on a given VM, the cloudlet's
* execution history on each VM is registered at {@link Cloudlet#resList}
private static class Resource {
* Cloudlet's submission (arrival) time to a CloudResource.
public double submissionTime = 0.0;
* Internal class that keeps track of Cloudlet's movement in different CloudResources.
* Each time a cloudlet is run on a given VM, the cloudlet's execution history
* on each VM is registered at {@link Cloudlet#resList}
private static class Resource {
/** Cloudlet's submission (arrival) time to a CloudResource. */
public double submissionTime = 0.0;
* The time this Cloudlet resides in a CloudResource (from arrival time until departure
* time, that may include waiting time).
public double wallClockTime = 0.0;
* The time this Cloudlet resides in a CloudResource (from arrival time
* until departure time, that may include waiting time).
public double wallClockTime = 0.0;
/** The total time the Cloudlet spent being executed in a CloudResource. */
public double actualCPUTime = 0.0;
* The total time the Cloudlet spent being executed in a CloudResource.
public double actualCPUTime = 0.0;
/** Cost per second a CloudResource charge to execute this Cloudlet. */
public double costPerSec = 0.0;
* Cost per second a CloudResource charge to execute this Cloudlet.
public double costPerSec = 0.0;
/** Cloudlet's length finished so far. */
public long finishedSoFar = 0;
* Cloudlet's length finished so far.
public long finishedSoFar = 0;
/** a CloudResource id. */
public int resourceId = -1;
* a CloudResource id.
public int resourceId = -1;
/** a CloudResource name. */
public String resourceName = null;
* a CloudResource name.
public String resourceName = null;
// ////////////////////// End of Internal Class //////////////////////////
* Sets the id of the reservation made for this cloudlet.
* @param resId the reservation ID
* @return <tt>true</tt> if the ID has successfully been set or <tt>false</tt> otherwise.
public boolean setReservationId(final int resId) {
if (resId <= 0) {
return false;
reservationId = resId;
return true;
* Gets the reservation ID that owns this Cloudlet.
* @return a reservation ID
* @pre $none
* @post $none
public int getReservationId() {
return reservationId;
* Checks whether this Cloudlet is submitted by reserving or not.
* @return <tt>true</tt> if this Cloudlet has reserved before, <tt>false</tt> otherwise
public boolean hasReserved() {
if (reservationId == -1) {
return false;
return true;
* Sets the length or size (in MI) of this Cloudlet to be executed in a CloudResource.
* It has to be the length for each individual Pe, <tt>not</tt> the total length (the sum of
* length to be executed by each Pe).
* @param cloudletLength the length or size (in MI) of this Cloudlet to be executed in a
* CloudResource
* @return <tt>true</tt> if it is successful, <tt>false</tt> otherwise
* @see #getCloudletTotalLength() }
* @pre cloudletLength > 0
* @post $none
public boolean setCloudletLength(final long cloudletLength) {
if (cloudletLength <= 0) {
return false;
this.cloudletLength = cloudletLength;
return true;
* Sets the network service level (ToS) for sending this cloudlet over a network.
* @param netServiceLevel determines the type of service (ToS) this cloudlet receives in the network
* (applicable to selected PacketScheduler class only)
* @return <code>true</code> if successful.
* @pre netServiceLevel >= 0
* @post $none
* @todo The name of the setter is inconsistent with the attribute name, what
* might be misinterpreted by other developers.
public boolean setNetServiceLevel(final int netServiceLevel) {
boolean success = false;
if (netServiceLevel > 0) {
netToS = netServiceLevel;
success = true;
return success;
* Gets the network service level (ToS) for sending this cloudlet over a network.
* @return the network service level
* @pre $none
* @post $none
* @todo The name of the getter is inconsistent with the attribute name, what
* might be misinterpreted by other developers.
public int getNetServiceLevel() {
return netToS;
* Gets the time the cloudlet had to wait before start executing on a resource.
* @return the waiting time
* @pre $none
* @post $none
public double getWaitingTime() {
if (index == -1) {
return 0;
// use the latest resource submission time
final double subTime = resList.get(index).submissionTime;
return execStartTime - subTime;
* Sets the classType or priority of this Cloudlet for scheduling on a resource.
* @param classType classType of this Cloudlet
* @return <tt>true</tt> if it is successful, <tt>false</tt> otherwise
* @pre classType > 0
* @post $none
public boolean setClassType(final int classType) {
boolean success = false;
if (classType > 0) {
this.classType = classType;
success = true;
return success;
* Gets the classtype or priority of this Cloudlet for scheduling on a resource.
* @return classtype of this cloudlet
* @pre $none
* @post $none
public int getClassType() {
return classType;
* Sets the number of PEs required to run this Cloudlet. <br>
* NOTE: The Cloudlet length is computed only for 1 Pe for simplicity. <br>
* For example, consider a Cloudlet that has a length of 500 MI and requires 2 PEs.
* This means each Pe will execute 500 MI of this Cloudlet.
* @param numberOfPes number of Pe
* @return <tt>true</tt> if it is successful, <tt>false</tt> otherwise
* @pre numPE > 0
* @post $none
public boolean setNumberOfPes(final int numberOfPes) {
if (numberOfPes > 0) {
this.numberOfPes = numberOfPes;
return true;
return false;
* Gets the number of PEs required to run this Cloudlet.
* @return number of PEs
* @pre $none
* @post $none
public int getNumberOfPes() {
return numberOfPes;
* Gets the transaction history of this Cloudlet.
* The layout of this history is in a readable table column
* with <tt>time</tt> and <tt>description</tt> as headers.
* @return a String containing the history of this Cloudlet object.
* @pre $none
* @post $result != null
public String getCloudletHistory() {
String msg = null;
if (history == null) {
msg = "No history is recorded for Cloudlet #" + cloudletId;
} else {
msg = history.toString();
return msg;
* Gets the length of this Cloudlet that has been executed so far from the latest CloudResource.
* This method is useful when trying to move this Cloudlet into different CloudResources or to
* cancel it.
* @return the length of a partially executed Cloudlet or the full Cloudlet length if it is
* completed
* @pre $none
* @post $result >= 0.0
public long getCloudletFinishedSoFar() {
if (index == -1) {
return cloudletLength;
final long finish = resList.get(index).finishedSoFar;
if (finish > cloudletLength) {
return cloudletLength;
return finish;
* Checks whether this Cloudlet has finished execution or not.
* @return <tt>true</tt> if this Cloudlet has finished execution, <tt>false</tt> otherwise
* @pre $none
* @post $none
public boolean isFinished() {
if (index == -1) {
return false;
boolean completed = false;
// if result is 0 or -ve then this Cloudlet has finished
final long finish = resList.get(index).finishedSoFar;
final long result = cloudletLength - finish;
if (result <= 0.0) {
completed = true;
return completed;
* Sets the length of this Cloudlet that has been executed so far. This method is used by
* ResCloudlet class when an application is decided to cancel or to move this Cloudlet into
* different CloudResources.
* @param length length of this Cloudlet
* @see gridsim.AllocPolicy
* @see gridsim.ResCloudlet
* @pre length >= 0.0
* @post $none
public void setCloudletFinishedSoFar(final long length) {
// if length is -ve then ignore
if (length < 0.0 || index < 0) {
final Resource res = resList.get(index);
res.finishedSoFar = length;
if (record) {
write("Sets the length's finished so far to " + length);
* Sets the user or owner ID of this Cloudlet. It is <tt>VERY</tt> important to set the user ID,
* otherwise this Cloudlet will not be executed in a CloudResource.
* @param id the user ID
* @pre id >= 0
* @post $none
public void setUserId(final int id) {
userId = id;
if (record) {
write("Assigns the Cloudlet to " + CloudSim.getEntityName(id) + " (ID #" + id + ")");
* Gets the user or owner ID of this Cloudlet.
* @return the user ID or <tt>-1</tt> if the user ID has not been set before
* @pre $none
* @post $result >= -1
public int getUserId() {
return userId;
* Gets the latest resource ID that processes this Cloudlet.
* @return the resource ID or <tt>-1</tt> if none
* @pre $none
* @post $result >= -1
public int getResourceId() {
if (index == -1) {
return -1;
return resList.get(index).resourceId;
* Gets the input file size of this Cloudlet <tt>BEFORE</tt> submitting to a CloudResource.
* @return the input file size of this Cloudlet
* @pre $none
* @post $result >= 1
public long getCloudletFileSize() {
return cloudletFileSize;
* Gets the output size of this Cloudlet <tt>AFTER</tt> submitting and executing to a
* CloudResource.
* @return the Cloudlet output file size
* @pre $none
* @post $result >= 1
public long getCloudletOutputSize() {
return cloudletOutputSize;
* Sets the resource parameters for which the Cloudlet is going to be executed.
* From the second time this method is called, every call make
* the cloudlet to be migrated to the indicated resource.<br>
* NOTE: This method <tt>should</tt> be called only by a resource entity, not the user or owner
* of this Cloudlet.
* @param resourceID the CloudResource ID
* @param cost the cost running this CloudResource per second
* @pre resourceID >= 0
* @pre cost > 0.0
* @post $none
public void setResourceParameter(final int resourceID, final double cost) {
final Resource res = new Resource();
res.resourceId = resourceID;
res.costPerSec = cost;
res.resourceName = CloudSim.getEntityName(resourceID);
// add into a list if moving to a new grid resource
if (index == -1 && record) {
write("Allocates this Cloudlet to " + res.resourceName + " (ID #" + resourceID
+ ") with cost = $" + cost + "/sec");
} else if (record) {
final int id = resList.get(index).resourceId;
final String name = resList.get(index).resourceName;
write("Moves Cloudlet from " + name + " (ID #" + id + ") to " + res.resourceName + " (ID #"
+ resourceID + ") with cost = $" + cost + "/sec");
index++; // initially, index = -1
* Sets the submission (arrival) time of this Cloudlet into a CloudResource.
* @param clockTime the submission time
* @pre clockTime >= 0.0
* @post $none
public void setSubmissionTime(final double clockTime) {
if (clockTime < 0.0 || index < 0) {
final Resource res = resList.get(index);
res.submissionTime = clockTime;
if (record) {
write("Sets the submission time to " + num.format(clockTime));
* Gets the submission (arrival) time of this Cloudlet from the latest CloudResource.
* @return the submission time or <tt>0.0</tt> if none
* @pre $none
* @post $result >= 0.0
public double getSubmissionTime() {
if (index == -1) {
return 0.0;
return resList.get(index).submissionTime;
* Sets the execution start time of this Cloudlet inside a CloudResource.
* <br/>
* <b>NOTE:</b> With new
* functionalities, such as being able to cancel / to pause / to resume this Cloudlet, the
* execution start time only holds the latest one. Meaning, all previous execution start time
* are ignored.
* @param clockTime the latest execution start time
* @pre clockTime >= 0.0
* @post $none
public void setExecStartTime(final double clockTime) {
execStartTime = clockTime;
if (record) {
write("Sets the execution start time to " + num.format(clockTime));
* Gets the latest execution start time.
* @return the latest execution start time
* @pre $none
* @post $result >= 0.0
public double getExecStartTime() {
return execStartTime;
* Sets the Cloudlet's execution parameters. These parameters are set by the CloudResource
* before departure or sending back to the original Cloudlet's owner.
* @param wallTime the time of this Cloudlet resides in a CloudResource
* (from arrival time until departure time).
* @param actualTime the total execution time of this Cloudlet in a CloudResource.
* @see Resource#wallClockTime
* @see Resource#actualCPUTime
* @pre wallTime >= 0.0
* @pre actualTime >= 0.0
* @post $none
public void setExecParam(final double wallTime, final double actualTime) {
if (wallTime < 0.0 || actualTime < 0.0 || index < 0) {
final Resource res = resList.get(index);
res.wallClockTime = wallTime;
res.actualCPUTime = actualTime;
if (record) {
write("Sets the wall clock time to " + num.format(wallTime) + " and the actual CPU time to "
+ num.format(actualTime));
* Sets the execution status code of this Cloudlet.
* @param newStatus the status code of this Cloudlet
* @throws Exception Invalid range of Cloudlet status
* @pre newStatus >= 0 && newStatus <= 8
* @post $none
* @todo It has to throw an specific (unckecked) exception
public void setCloudletStatus(final int newStatus) throws Exception {
// if the new status is same as current one, then ignore the rest
if (status == newStatus) {
// throws an exception if the new status is outside the range
if (newStatus < Cloudlet.CREATED || newStatus > Cloudlet.FAILED_RESOURCE_UNAVAILABLE) {
throw new Exception(
"Cloudlet.setCloudletStatus() : Error - Invalid integer range for Cloudlet status.");
if (newStatus == Cloudlet.SUCCESS) {
finishTime = CloudSim.clock();
if (record) {
write("Sets Cloudlet status from " + getCloudletStatusString() + " to "
+ Cloudlet.getStatusString(newStatus));
status = newStatus;
* Gets the status code of this Cloudlet.
* @return the status code of this Cloudlet
* @pre $none
* @post $result >= 0
* @deprecated Use the getter {@link #getStatus()} instead
public int getCloudletStatus() {
return status;
* Gets the string representation of the current Cloudlet status code.
* @return the Cloudlet status code as a string or <tt>null</tt> if the status code is unknown
* @pre $none
* @post $none
public String getCloudletStatusString() {
return Cloudlet.getStatusString(status);
* Gets the string representation of the given Cloudlet status code.
* @param status the Cloudlet status code
* @return the Cloudlet status code as a string or <tt>null</tt> if the status code is unknown
* @pre $none
* @post $none
public static String getStatusString(final int status) {
String statusString = null;
switch (status) {
case Cloudlet.CREATED:
statusString = "Created";
case Cloudlet.READY:
statusString = "Ready";
case Cloudlet.INEXEC:
statusString = "InExec";
case Cloudlet.SUCCESS:
statusString = "Success";
case Cloudlet.QUEUED:
statusString = "Queued";
case Cloudlet.FAILED:
statusString = "Failed";
case Cloudlet.CANCELED:
statusString = "Canceled";
case Cloudlet.PAUSED:
statusString = "Paused";
case Cloudlet.RESUMED:
statusString = "Resumed";
statusString = "Failed_resource_unavailable";
return statusString;
* Gets the length of this Cloudlet.
* @return the length of this Cloudlet
* @pre $none
* @post $result >= 0.0
public long getCloudletLength() {
return cloudletLength;
* Gets the total length (across all PEs) of this Cloudlet.
* It considers the {@link #cloudletLength} of the cloudlet to be executed
* in each Pe and the {@link #numberOfPes}.<br/>
* For example, setting the cloudletLenght as 10000 MI and {@link #numberOfPes}
* to 4, each Pe will execute 10000 MI. Thus, the entire cloudlet
* has a total length of 40000 MI.
* @return the total length of this Cloudlet
* @see #setCloudletLength(long)
* @pre $none
* @post $result >= 0.0
public long getCloudletTotalLength() {
return getCloudletLength() * getNumberOfPes();
* Gets the cost/sec of running the Cloudlet in the latest CloudResource.
* @return the cost associated with running this Cloudlet or <tt>0.0</tt> if none
* @pre $none
* @post $result >= 0.0
public double getCostPerSec() {
if (index == -1) {
return 0.0;
return resList.get(index).costPerSec;
* Gets the time of this Cloudlet resides in the latest CloudResource (from arrival time until
* departure time).
* @return the time of this Cloudlet resides in a CloudResource
* @pre $none
* @post $result >= 0.0
public double getWallClockTime() {
if (index == -1) {
return 0.0;
return resList.get(index).wallClockTime;
* Gets all the CloudResource names that executed this Cloudlet.
* @return an array of CloudResource names or <tt>null</tt> if it has none
* @pre $none
* @post $none
public String[] getAllResourceName() {
final int size = resList.size();
String[] data = null;
if (size > 0) {
data = new String[size];
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
data[i] = resList.get(i).resourceName;
return data;
* Gets all the CloudResource IDs that executed this Cloudlet.
* @return an array of CloudResource IDs or <tt>null</tt> if it has none
* @pre $none
* @post $none
public int[] getAllResourceId() {
final int size = resList.size();
int[] data = null;
if (size > 0) {
data = new int[size];
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
data[i] = resList.get(i).resourceId;
return data;
* Gets the total execution time of this Cloudlet in a given CloudResource ID.
* @param resId a CloudResource entity ID
* @return the total execution time of this Cloudlet in a CloudResource or <tt>0.0</tt> if not
* found
* @pre resId >= 0
* @post $result >= 0.0
public double getActualCPUTime(final int resId) {
Resource resource = getResourceById(resId);
if (resource != null) {
return resource.actualCPUTime;
return 0.0;
* Gets the cost running this Cloudlet in a given CloudResource ID.
* @param resId a CloudResource entity ID
* @return the cost associated with running this Cloudlet or <tt>0.0</tt> if not found
* @pre resId >= 0
* @post $result >= 0.0
public double getCostPerSec(final int resId) {
Resource resource = getResourceById(resId);
if (resource != null) {
return resource.costPerSec;
return 0.0;
* Gets the length of this Cloudlet that has been executed so far in a given CloudResource ID.
* This method is useful when trying to move this Cloudlet into different CloudResources or to
* cancel it.
* @param resId a CloudResource entity ID
* @return the length of a partially executed Cloudlet or the full Cloudlet length if it is
* completed or <tt>0.0</tt> if not found
* @pre resId >= 0
* @post $result >= 0.0
public long getCloudletFinishedSoFar(final int resId) {
Resource resource = getResourceById(resId);
if (resource != null) {
return resource.finishedSoFar;
return 0;
* Gets the submission (arrival) time of this Cloudlet in the given CloudResource ID.
* @param resId a CloudResource entity ID
* @return the submission time or <tt>0.0</tt> if not found
* @pre resId >= 0
* @post $result >= 0.0
public double getSubmissionTime(final int resId) {
Resource resource = getResourceById(resId);
if (resource != null) {
return resource.submissionTime;
return 0.0;
* Gets the time of this Cloudlet resides in a given CloudResource ID (from arrival time until
* departure time).
* @param resId a CloudResource entity ID
* @return the time of this Cloudlet resides in the CloudResource or <tt>0.0</tt> if not found
* @pre resId >= 0
* @post $result >= 0.0
public double getWallClockTime(final int resId) {
Resource resource = getResourceById(resId);
if (resource != null) {
return resource.wallClockTime;
return 0.0;
* Gets the CloudResource name based on its ID.
* @param resId a CloudResource entity ID
* @return the CloudResource name or <tt>null</tt> if not found
* @pre resId >= 0
* @post $none
public String getResourceName(final int resId) {
Resource resource = getResourceById(resId);
if (resource != null) {
return resource.resourceName;
return null;
* Gets the resource by id.
* @param resourceId the resource id
* @return the resource by id
public Resource getResourceById(final int resourceId) {
for (Resource resource : resList) {
if (resource.resourceId == resourceId) {
return resource;
return null;
* Gets the finish time of this Cloudlet in a CloudResource.
* @return the finish or completion time of this Cloudlet or <tt>-1</tt> if not finished yet.
* @pre $none
* @post $result >= -1
public double getFinishTime() {
return finishTime;
* Sets the id of the reservation made for this cloudlet.
* @param resId the reservation ID
* @return <tt>true</tt> if the ID has successfully been set or
* <tt>false</tt> otherwise.
public boolean setReservationId(final int resId) {
if (resId <= 0) {
return false;
reservationId = resId;
return true;
* Gets the reservation ID that owns this Cloudlet.
* @return a reservation ID
* @pre $none
* @post $none
public int getReservationId() {
return reservationId;
* Checks whether this Cloudlet is submitted by reserving or not.
* @return <tt>true</tt> if this Cloudlet has reserved before,
* <tt>false</tt> otherwise
public boolean hasReserved() {
if (reservationId == -1) {
return false;
return true;
* Sets the length or size (in MI) of this Cloudlet to be executed in a
* CloudResource. It has to be the length for each individual Pe,
* <tt>not</tt> the total length (the sum of length to be executed by each
* Pe).
* @param cloudletLength the length or size (in MI) of this Cloudlet to be
* executed in a CloudResource
* @return <tt>true</tt> if it is successful, <tt>false</tt> otherwise
* @see #getCloudletTotalLength() }
* @pre cloudletLength > 0
* @post $none
public boolean setCloudletLength(final long cloudletLength) {
if (cloudletLength <= 0) {
return false;
this.cloudletLength = cloudletLength;
return true;
* Sets the network service level (ToS) for sending this cloudlet over a
* network.
* @param netServiceLevel determines the type of service (ToS) this cloudlet
* receives in the network (applicable to selected PacketScheduler class
* only)
* @return <code>true</code> if successful.
* @pre netServiceLevel >= 0
* @post $none
* @todo The name of the setter is inconsistent with the attribute name,
* what might be misinterpreted by other developers.
public boolean setNetServiceLevel(final int netServiceLevel) {
boolean success = false;
if (netServiceLevel > 0) {
netToS = netServiceLevel;
success = true;
return success;
* Gets the network service level (ToS) for sending this cloudlet over a
* network.
* @return the network service level
* @pre $none
* @post $none
* @todo The name of the getter is inconsistent with the attribute name,
* what might be misinterpreted by other developers.
public int getNetServiceLevel() {
return netToS;
* Gets the time the cloudlet had to wait before start executing on a
* resource.
* @return the waiting time
* @pre $none
* @post $none
public double getWaitingTime() {
if (index == -1) {
return 0;
// use the latest resource submission time
final double subTime = resList.get(index).submissionTime;
return execStartTime - subTime;
* Sets the classType or priority of this Cloudlet for scheduling on a
* resource.
* @param classType classType of this Cloudlet
* @return <tt>true</tt> if it is successful, <tt>false</tt> otherwise
* @pre classType > 0
* @post $none
public boolean setClassType(final int classType) {
boolean success = false;
if (classType > 0) {
this.classType = classType;
success = true;
return success;
* Gets the classtype or priority of this Cloudlet for scheduling on a
* resource.
* @return classtype of this cloudlet
* @pre $none
* @post $none
public int getClassType() {
return classType;
* Sets the number of PEs required to run this Cloudlet. <br>
* NOTE: The Cloudlet length is computed only for 1 Pe for simplicity. <br>
* For example, consider a Cloudlet that has a length of 500 MI and requires
* 2 PEs. This means each Pe will execute 500 MI of this Cloudlet.
* @param numberOfPes number of Pe
* @return <tt>true</tt> if it is successful, <tt>false</tt> otherwise
* @pre numPE > 0
* @post $none
public boolean setNumberOfPes(final int numberOfPes) {
if (numberOfPes > 0) {
this.numberOfPes = numberOfPes;
return true;
return false;
* Gets the number of PEs required to run this Cloudlet.
* @return number of PEs
* @pre $none
* @post $none
public int getNumberOfPes() {
return numberOfPes;
* Gets the transaction history of this Cloudlet. The layout of this history
* is in a readable table column with <tt>time</tt> and <tt>description</tt>
* as headers.
* @return a String containing the history of this Cloudlet object.
* @pre $none
* @post $result != null
public String getCloudletHistory() {
String msg = null;
if (history == null) {
msg = "No history is recorded for Cloudlet #" + cloudletId;
} else {
msg = history.toString();
return msg;
* Gets the length of this Cloudlet that has been executed so far from the
* latest CloudResource. This method is useful when trying to move this
* Cloudlet into different CloudResources or to cancel it.
* @return the length of a partially executed Cloudlet or the full Cloudlet
* length if it is completed
* @pre $none
* @post $result >= 0.0
public long getCloudletFinishedSoFar() {
if (index == -1) {
return cloudletLength;
final long finish = resList.get(index).finishedSoFar;
if (finish > cloudletLength) {
return cloudletLength;
return finish;
* Checks whether this Cloudlet has finished execution or not.
* @return <tt>true</tt> if this Cloudlet has finished execution,
* <tt>false</tt> otherwise
* @pre $none
* @post $none
public boolean isFinished() {
if (index == -1) {
return false;
boolean completed = false;
// if result is 0 or -ve then this Cloudlet has finished
final long finish = resList.get(index).finishedSoFar;
final long result = cloudletLength - finish;
if (result <= 0.0) {
completed = true;
return completed;
* Sets the length of this Cloudlet that has been executed so far. This
* method is used by ResCloudlet class when an application is decided to
* cancel or to move this Cloudlet into different CloudResources.
* @param length length of this Cloudlet
* @see gridsim.AllocPolicy
* @see gridsim.ResCloudlet
* @pre length >= 0.0
* @post $none
public void setCloudletFinishedSoFar(final long length) {
// if length is -ve then ignore
if (length < 0.0 || index < 0) {
final Resource res = resList.get(index);
res.finishedSoFar = length;
if (record) {
write("Sets the length's finished so far to " + length);
* Sets the user or owner ID of this Cloudlet. It is <tt>VERY</tt> important
* to set the user ID, otherwise this Cloudlet will not be executed in a
* CloudResource.
* @param id the user ID
* @pre id >= 0
* @post $none
public void setUserId(final int id) {
userId = id;
if (record) {
write("Assigns the Cloudlet to " + CloudSim.getEntityName(id) + " (ID #" + id + ")");
* Gets the user or owner ID of this Cloudlet.
* @return the user ID or <tt>-1</tt> if the user ID has not been set before
* @pre $none
* @post $result >= -1
public int getUserId() {
return userId;
* Gets the latest resource ID that processes this Cloudlet.
* @return the resource ID or <tt>-1</tt> if none
* @pre $none
* @post $result >= -1
public int getResourceId() {
if (index == -1) {
return -1;
return resList.get(index).resourceId;
* Gets the input file size of this Cloudlet <tt>BEFORE</tt> submitting to a
* CloudResource.
* @return the input file size of this Cloudlet
* @pre $none
* @post $result >= 1
public long getCloudletFileSize() {
return cloudletFileSize;
* Gets the output size of this Cloudlet <tt>AFTER</tt> submitting and
* executing to a CloudResource.
* @return the Cloudlet output file size
* @pre $none
* @post $result >= 1
public long getCloudletOutputSize() {
return cloudletOutputSize;
* Sets the resource parameters for which the Cloudlet is going to be
* executed. From the second time this method is called, every call make the
* cloudlet to be migrated to the indicated resource.<br>
* NOTE: This method <tt>should</tt> be called only by a resource entity,
* not the user or owner of this Cloudlet.
* @param resourceID the CloudResource ID
* @param cost the cost running this CloudResource per second
* @pre resourceID >= 0
* @pre cost > 0.0
* @post $none
public void setResourceParameter(final int resourceID, final double cost) {
final Resource res = new Resource();
res.resourceId = resourceID;
res.costPerSec = cost;
res.resourceName = CloudSim.getEntityName(resourceID);
// add into a list if moving to a new grid resource
if (index == -1 && record) {
write("Allocates this Cloudlet to " + res.resourceName + " (ID #" + resourceID
+ ") with cost = $" + cost + "/sec");
} else if (record) {
final int id = resList.get(index).resourceId;
final String name = resList.get(index).resourceName;
write("Moves Cloudlet from " + name + " (ID #" + id + ") to " + res.resourceName + " (ID #"
+ resourceID + ") with cost = $" + cost + "/sec");
index++; // initially, index = -1
* Sets the submission (arrival) time of this Cloudlet into a CloudResource.
* @param clockTime the submission time
* @pre clockTime >= 0.0
* @post $none
public void setSubmissionTime(final double clockTime) {
if (clockTime < 0.0 || index < 0) {
final Resource res = resList.get(index);
res.submissionTime = clockTime;
if (record) {
write("Sets the submission time to " + num.format(clockTime));
* Gets the submission (arrival) time of this Cloudlet from the latest
* CloudResource.
* @return the submission time or <tt>0.0</tt> if none
* @pre $none
* @post $result >= 0.0
public double getSubmissionTime() {
if (index == -1) {
return 0.0;
return resList.get(index).submissionTime;
* Sets the execution start time of this Cloudlet inside a CloudResource.
* <br/>
* <b>NOTE:</b> With new functionalities, such as being able to cancel / to
* pause / to resume this Cloudlet, the execution start time only holds the
* latest one. Meaning, all previous execution start time are ignored.
* @param clockTime the latest execution start time
* @pre clockTime >= 0.0
* @post $none
public void setExecStartTime(final double clockTime) {
execStartTime = clockTime;
if (record) {
write("Sets the execution start time to " + num.format(clockTime));
* Gets the latest execution start time.
* @return the latest execution start time
* @pre $none
* @post $result >= 0.0
public double getExecStartTime() {
return execStartTime;
* Sets the Cloudlet's execution parameters. These parameters are set by the
* CloudResource before departure or sending back to the original Cloudlet's
* owner.
* @param wallTime the time of this Cloudlet resides in a CloudResource
* (from arrival time until departure time).
* @param actualTime the total execution time of this Cloudlet in a
* CloudResource.
* @see Resource#wallClockTime
* @see Resource#actualCPUTime
* @pre wallTime >= 0.0
* @pre actualTime >= 0.0
* @post $none
public void setExecParam(final double wallTime, final double actualTime) {
if (wallTime < 0.0 || actualTime < 0.0 || index < 0) {
final Resource res = resList.get(index);
res.wallClockTime = wallTime;
res.actualCPUTime = actualTime;
if (record) {
write("Sets the wall clock time to " + num.format(wallTime) + " and the actual CPU time to "
+ num.format(actualTime));
* Sets the execution status code of this Cloudlet.
* @param newStatus the status code of this Cloudlet
* @throws Exception Invalid range of Cloudlet status
* @pre newStatus >= 0 && newStatus <= 8
* @
* post $none
* @todo It has to throw an specific (unckecked) exception
public void setCloudletStatus(final int newStatus) throws Exception {
// if the new status is same as current one, then ignore the rest
if (status == newStatus) {
// throws an exception if the new status is outside the range
if (newStatus < Cloudlet.CREATED || newStatus > Cloudlet.FAILED_RESOURCE_UNAVAILABLE) {
throw new Exception(
"Cloudlet.setCloudletStatus() : Error - Invalid integer range for Cloudlet status.");
if (newStatus == Cloudlet.SUCCESS) {
finishTime = CloudSim.clock();
if (record) {
write("Sets Cloudlet status from " + getCloudletStatusString() + " to "
+ Cloudlet.getStatusString(newStatus));
status = newStatus;
* Gets the status code of this Cloudlet.
* @return the status code of this Cloudlet
* @pre $none
* @post $result >= 0
* @deprecated Use the getter {@link #getStatus()} instead
public int getCloudletStatus() {
return status;
* Gets the string representation of the current Cloudlet status code.
* @return the Cloudlet status code as a string or <tt>null</tt> if the
* status code is unknown
* @pre $none
* @post $none
public String getCloudletStatusString() {
return Cloudlet.getStatusString(status);
* Gets the string representation of the given Cloudlet status code.
* @param status the Cloudlet status code
* @return the Cloudlet status code as a string or <tt>null</tt> if the
* status code is unknown
* @pre $none
* @post $none
public static String getStatusString(final int status) {
String statusString = null;
switch (status) {
case Cloudlet.CREATED:
statusString = "Created";
case Cloudlet.READY:
statusString = "Ready";
case Cloudlet.INEXEC:
statusString = "InExec";
case Cloudlet.SUCCESS:
statusString = "Success";
case Cloudlet.QUEUED:
statusString = "Queued";
case Cloudlet.FAILED:
statusString = "Failed";
case Cloudlet.CANCELED:
statusString = "Canceled";
case Cloudlet.PAUSED:
statusString = "Paused";
case Cloudlet.RESUMED:
statusString = "Resumed";
statusString = "Failed_resource_unavailable";
return statusString;
* Gets the length of this Cloudlet.
* @return the length of this Cloudlet
* @pre $none
* @post $result >= 0.0
public long getCloudletLength() {
return cloudletLength;
* Gets the total length (across all PEs) of this Cloudlet. It considers the
* {@link #cloudletLength} of the cloudlet to be executed in each Pe and the
* {@link #numberOfPes}.<br/>
* For example, setting the cloudletLenght as 10000 MI and
* {@link #numberOfPes} to 4, each Pe will execute 10000 MI. Thus, the
* entire cloudlet has a total length of 40000 MI.
* @return the total length of this Cloudlet
* @see #setCloudletLength(long)
* @pre $none
* @post $result >= 0.0
public long getCloudletTotalLength() {
return getCloudletLength() * getNumberOfPes();
* Gets the cost/sec of running the Cloudlet in the latest CloudResource.
* @return the cost associated with running this Cloudlet or <tt>0.0</tt> if
* none
* @pre $none
* @post $result >= 0.0
public double getCostPerSec() {
if (index == -1) {
return 0.0;
return resList.get(index).costPerSec;
* Gets the time of this Cloudlet resides in the latest CloudResource (from
* arrival time until departure time).
* @return the time of this Cloudlet resides in a CloudResource
* @pre $none
* @post $result >= 0.0
public double getWallClockTime() {
if (index == -1) {
return 0.0;
return resList.get(index).wallClockTime;
* Gets all the CloudResource names that executed this Cloudlet.
* @return an array of CloudResource names or <tt>null</tt> if it has none
* @pre $none
* @post $none
public String[] getAllResourceName() {
final int size = resList.size();
String[] data = null;
if (size > 0) {
data = new String[size];
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
data[i] = resList.get(i).resourceName;
return data;
* Gets all the CloudResource IDs that executed this Cloudlet.
* @return an array of CloudResource IDs or <tt>null</tt> if it has none
* @pre $none
* @post $none
public int[] getAllResourceId() {
final int size = resList.size();
int[] data = null;
if (size > 0) {
data = new int[size];
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
data[i] = resList.get(i).resourceId;
return data;
* Gets the total execution time of this Cloudlet in a given CloudResource
* ID.
* @param resId a CloudResource entity ID
* @return the total execution time of this Cloudlet in a CloudResource or
* <tt>0.0</tt> if not found
* @pre resId >= 0
* @post $result >= 0.0
public double getActualCPUTime(final int resId) {
Resource resource = getResourceById(resId);
if (resource != null) {
return resource.actualCPUTime;
return 0.0;
* Gets the cost running this Cloudlet in a given CloudResource ID.
* @param resId a CloudResource entity ID
* @return the cost associated with running this Cloudlet or <tt>0.0</tt> if
* not found
* @pre resId >= 0
* @post $result >= 0.0
public double getCostPerSec(final int resId) {
Resource resource = getResourceById(resId);
if (resource != null) {
return resource.costPerSec;
return 0.0;
* Gets the length of this Cloudlet that has been executed so far in a given
* CloudResource ID. This method is useful when trying to move this Cloudlet
* into different CloudResources or to cancel it.
* @param resId a CloudResource entity ID
* @return the length of a partially executed Cloudlet or the full Cloudlet
* length if it is completed or <tt>0.0</tt> if not found
* @pre resId >= 0
* @post $result >= 0.0
public long getCloudletFinishedSoFar(final int resId) {
Resource resource = getResourceById(resId);
if (resource != null) {
return resource.finishedSoFar;
return 0;
* Gets the submission (arrival) time of this Cloudlet in the given
* CloudResource ID.
* @param resId a CloudResource entity ID
* @return the submission time or <tt>0.0</tt> if not found
* @pre resId >= 0
* @post $result >= 0.0
public double getSubmissionTime(final int resId) {
Resource resource = getResourceById(resId);
if (resource != null) {
return resource.submissionTime;
return 0.0;
* Gets the time of this Cloudlet resides in a given CloudResource ID (from
* arrival time until departure time).
* @param resId a CloudResource entity ID
* @return the time of this Cloudlet resides in the CloudResource or
* <tt>0.0</tt> if not found
* @pre resId >= 0
* @post $result >= 0.0
public double getWallClockTime(final int resId) {
Resource resource = getResourceById(resId);
if (resource != null) {
return resource.wallClockTime;
return 0.0;
* Gets the CloudResource name based on its ID.
* @param resId a CloudResource entity ID
* @return the CloudResource name or <tt>null</tt> if not found
* @pre resId >= 0
* @post $none
public String getResourceName(final int resId) {
Resource resource = getResourceById(resId);
if (resource != null) {
return resource.resourceName;
return null;
* Gets the resource by id.
* @param resourceId the resource id
* @return the resource by id
public Resource getResourceById(final int resourceId) {
for (Resource resource : resList) {
if (resource.resourceId == resourceId) {
return resource;
return null;
* Gets the finish time of this Cloudlet in a CloudResource.
* @return the finish or completion time of this Cloudlet or <tt>-1</tt> if
* not finished yet.
* @pre $none
* @post $result >= -1
public double getFinishTime() {
return finishTime;
// //////////////////////// PROTECTED METHODS //////////////////////////////
* Writes this particular history transaction of this Cloudlet into a log.
* @param str a history transaction of this Cloudlet
* @pre str != null
* @post $none
protected void write(final String str) {
if (!record) {
if (num == null || history == null) { // Creates the history or
// transactions of this Cloudlet
newline = System.getProperty("line.separator");
num = new DecimalFormat("#0.00#"); // with 3 decimal spaces
history = new StringBuffer(1000);
history.append("Time below denotes the simulation time.");
history.append("Time (sec) Description Cloudlet #" + cloudletId);
history.append(" Creates Cloudlet ID #" + cloudletId);
history.append(" " + str + newline);
* Get the status of the Cloudlet.
* @return status of the Cloudlet
* @pre $none
* @post $none
public int getStatus() {
return status;
* Gets the ID of this Cloudlet.
* @return Cloudlet Id
* @pre $none
* @post $none
public int getCloudletId() {
return cloudletId;
* Gets the ID of the VM that will run this Cloudlet.
* @return VM Id, -1 if the Cloudlet was not assigned to a VM
* @pre $none
* @post $none
public int getVmId() {
return vmId;
* Sets the ID of the VM that will run this Cloudlet.
* @param vmId the vm id
* @pre id >= 0
* @post $none
public void setVmId(final int vmId) {
this.vmId = vmId;
* Returns the execution time of the Cloudlet.
* @return time in which the Cloudlet was running
* @pre $none
* @post $none
public double getActualCPUTime() {
return getFinishTime() - getExecStartTime();
* Sets the resource parameters for which this Cloudlet is going to be executed. <br>
* NOTE: This method <tt>should</tt> be called only by a resource entity, not the user or owner
* of this Cloudlet.
* @param resourceID the CloudResource ID
* @param costPerCPU the cost per second of running this Cloudlet
* @param costPerBw the cost per byte of data transfer to the Datacenter
* @pre resourceID >= 0
* @pre cost > 0.0
* @post $none
public void setResourceParameter(final int resourceID, final double costPerCPU, final double costPerBw) {
setResourceParameter(resourceID, costPerCPU);
this.costPerBw = costPerBw;
accumulatedBwCost = costPerBw * getCloudletFileSize();
* Gets the total cost of processing or executing this Cloudlet
* <tt>Processing Cost = input data transfer + processing cost + output transfer cost</tt> .
* @return the total cost of processing Cloudlet
* @pre $none
* @post $result >= 0.0
public double getProcessingCost() {
* Writes this particular history transaction of this Cloudlet into a log.
* @param str a history transaction of this Cloudlet
* @pre str != null
* @post $none
protected void write(final String str) {
if (!record) {
if (num == null || history == null) { // Creates the history or
// transactions of this Cloudlet
newline = System.getProperty("line.separator");
num = new DecimalFormat("#0.00#"); // with 3 decimal spaces
history = new StringBuffer(1000);
history.append("Time below denotes the simulation time.");
history.append("Time (sec) Description Cloudlet #" + cloudletId);
history.append(" Creates Cloudlet ID #" + cloudletId);
history.append(" " + str + newline);
* Get the status of the Cloudlet.
* @return status of the Cloudlet
* @pre $none
* @post $none
public int getStatus() {
return status;
* Gets the ID of this Cloudlet.
* @return Cloudlet Id
* @pre $none
* @post $none
public int getCloudletId() {
return cloudletId;
* Gets the ID of the VM that will run this Cloudlet.
* @return VM Id, -1 if the Cloudlet was not assigned to a VM
* @pre $none
* @post $none
public int getVmId() {
return vmId;
* Sets the ID of the VM that will run this Cloudlet.
* @param vmId the vm id
* @pre id >= 0
* @post $none
public void setVmId(final int vmId) {
this.vmId = vmId;
* Returns the execution time of the Cloudlet.
* @return time in which the Cloudlet was running
* @pre $none
* @post $none
public double getActualCPUTime() {
return getFinishTime() - getExecStartTime();
* Sets the resource parameters for which this Cloudlet is going to be
* executed. <br>
* NOTE: This method <tt>should</tt> be called only by a resource entity,
* not the user or owner of this Cloudlet.
* @param resourceID the CloudResource ID
* @param costPerCPU the cost per second of running this Cloudlet
* @param costPerBw the cost per byte of data transfer to the Datacenter
* @pre resourceID >= 0
* @pre cost > 0.0
* @post $none
public void setResourceParameter(final int resourceID, final double costPerCPU, final double costPerBw) {
setResourceParameter(resourceID, costPerCPU);
this.costPerBw = costPerBw;
accumulatedBwCost = costPerBw * getCloudletFileSize();
* Gets the total cost of processing or executing this Cloudlet
* <tt>Processing Cost = input data transfer + processing cost + output
* transfer cost</tt> .
* @return the total cost of processing Cloudlet
* @pre $none
* @post $result >= 0.0
public double getProcessingCost() {
// cloudlet cost: execution cost...
// double cost = getProcessingCost();
double cost = 0;
// input data transfer cost...
cost += accumulatedBwCost;
// output cost
cost += costPerBw * getCloudletOutputSize();
return cost;
// double cost = getProcessingCost();
double cost = 0;
// input data transfer cost...
cost += accumulatedBwCost;
// output cost
cost += costPerBw * getCloudletOutputSize();
return cost;
// Data cloudlet
* Gets the required files.
* @return the required files
public List<String> getRequiredFiles() {
return requiredFiles;
* Sets the required files.
* @param requiredFiles the new required files
protected void setRequiredFiles(final List<String> requiredFiles) {
this.requiredFiles = requiredFiles;
* Adds the required filename to the list.
* @param fileName the required filename
* @return <tt>true</tt> if succesful, <tt>false</tt> otherwise
public boolean addRequiredFile(final String fileName) {
// if the list is empty
if (getRequiredFiles() == null) {
setRequiredFiles(new LinkedList<String>());
// then check whether filename already exists or not
boolean result = false;
for (int i = 0; i < getRequiredFiles().size(); i++) {
final String temp = getRequiredFiles().get(i);
if (temp.equals(fileName)) {
result = true;
if (!result) {
return result;
* Deletes the given filename from the list.
* @param filename the given filename to be deleted
* @return <tt>true</tt> if succesful, <tt>false</tt> otherwise
public boolean deleteRequiredFile(final String filename) {
boolean result = false;
if (getRequiredFiles() == null) {
return result;
for (int i = 0; i < getRequiredFiles().size(); i++) {
final String temp = getRequiredFiles().get(i);
if (temp.equals(filename)) {
result = true;
return result;
* Checks whether this cloudlet requires any files or not.
* @return <tt>true</tt> if required, <tt>false</tt> otherwise
public boolean requiresFiles() {
boolean result = false;
if (getRequiredFiles() != null && getRequiredFiles().size() > 0) {
result = true;
return result;
* Gets the utilization model of cpu.
* @return the utilization model cpu
public UtilizationModel getUtilizationModelCpu() {
return utilizationModelCpu;
* Sets the utilization model of cpu.
* @param utilizationModelCpu the new utilization model of cpu
public void setUtilizationModelCpu(final UtilizationModel utilizationModelCpu) {
this.utilizationModelCpu = utilizationModelCpu;
* Gets the utilization model of ram.
* @return the utilization model of ram
public UtilizationModel getUtilizationModelRam() {
return utilizationModelRam;
* Sets the utilization model of ram.
* @param utilizationModelRam the new utilization model of ram
public void setUtilizationModelRam(final UtilizationModel utilizationModelRam) {
this.utilizationModelRam = utilizationModelRam;
* Gets the utilization model of bw.
* @return the utilization model of bw
public UtilizationModel getUtilizationModelBw() {
return utilizationModelBw;
* Sets the utilization model of bw.
* @param utilizationModelBw the new utilization model of bw
public void setUtilizationModelBw(final UtilizationModel utilizationModelBw) {
this.utilizationModelBw = utilizationModelBw;
* Gets the utilization percentage of cpu.
* @param time the time
* @return the utilization of cpu
public double getUtilizationOfCpu(final double time) {
return getUtilizationModelCpu().getUtilization(time);
* Gets the utilization percentage of memory.
* @param time the time
* @return the utilization of memory
public double getUtilizationOfRam(final double time) {
return getUtilizationModelRam().getUtilization(time);
* Gets the utilization percentage of bw.
* @param time the time
* @return the utilization of bw
public double getUtilizationOfBw(final double time) {
return getUtilizationModelBw().getUtilization(time);
* Gets the required files.
* @return the required files
public List<String> getRequiredFiles() {
return requiredFiles;
* Sets the required files.
* @param requiredFiles the new required files
protected void setRequiredFiles(final List<String> requiredFiles) {
this.requiredFiles = requiredFiles;
* Adds the required filename to the list.
* @param fileName the required filename
* @return <tt>true</tt> if succesful, <tt>false</tt> otherwise
public boolean addRequiredFile(final String fileName) {
// if the list is empty
if (getRequiredFiles() == null) {
setRequiredFiles(new LinkedList<String>());
// then check whether filename already exists or not
boolean result = false;
for (int i = 0; i < getRequiredFiles().size(); i++) {
final String temp = getRequiredFiles().get(i);
if (temp.equals(fileName)) {
result = true;
if (!result) {
return result;
* Deletes the given filename from the list.
* @param filename the given filename to be deleted
* @return <tt>true</tt> if succesful, <tt>false</tt> otherwise
public boolean deleteRequiredFile(final String filename) {
boolean result = false;
if (getRequiredFiles() == null) {
return result;
for (int i = 0; i < getRequiredFiles().size(); i++) {
final String temp = getRequiredFiles().get(i);
if (temp.equals(filename)) {
result = true;
return result;
* Checks whether this cloudlet requires any files or not.
* @return <tt>true</tt> if required, <tt>false</tt> otherwise
public boolean requiresFiles() {
boolean result = false;
if (getRequiredFiles() != null && getRequiredFiles().size() > 0) {
result = true;
return result;
* Gets the utilization model of cpu.
* @return the utilization model cpu
public UtilizationModel getUtilizationModelCpu() {
return utilizationModelCpu;
* Sets the utilization model of cpu.
* @param utilizationModelCpu the new utilization model of cpu
public void setUtilizationModelCpu(final UtilizationModel utilizationModelCpu) {
this.utilizationModelCpu = utilizationModelCpu;
* Gets the utilization model of ram.
* @return the utilization model of ram
public UtilizationModel getUtilizationModelRam() {
return utilizationModelRam;
* Sets the utilization model of ram.
* @param utilizationModelRam the new utilization model of ram
public void setUtilizationModelRam(final UtilizationModel utilizationModelRam) {
this.utilizationModelRam = utilizationModelRam;
* Gets the utilization model of bw.
* @return the utilization model of bw
public UtilizationModel getUtilizationModelBw() {
return utilizationModelBw;
* Sets the utilization model of bw.
* @param utilizationModelBw the new utilization model of bw
public void setUtilizationModelBw(final UtilizationModel utilizationModelBw) {
this.utilizationModelBw = utilizationModelBw;
* Gets the utilization percentage of cpu.
* @param time the time
* @return the utilization of cpu
public double getUtilizationOfCpu(final double time) {
return getUtilizationModelCpu().getUtilization(time);
* Gets the utilization percentage of memory.
* @param time the time
* @return the utilization of memory
public double getUtilizationOfRam(final double time) {
return getUtilizationModelRam().getUtilization(time);
* Gets the utilization percentage of bw.
* @param time the time
* @return the utilization of bw
public double getUtilizationOfBw(final double time) {
return getUtilizationModelBw().getUtilization(time);
......@@ -392,11 +392,12 @@ public class CloudletSchedulerSpaceShared extends CloudletScheduler {
* Returns the first cloudlet to migrate to another vm.
* Returns the first cloudlet to migrate to another VM.
* @return the first running cloudlet
* @pre $none
* @post $none
* @todo it doesn't check if the list is empty
......@@ -122,14 +122,6 @@ public class Datacenter extends SimEntity {
// empty. This should be override by a child class
* Processes events or services that are available for this Datacenter.
* @param ev information about the event just happened
* @pre ev != null
* @post $none
public void processEvent(SimEvent ev) {
int srcId = -1;
......@@ -146,13 +146,6 @@ public class DatacenterBroker extends SimEntity {
CloudletList.getById(getCloudletList(), cloudletId).setVmId(vmId);
* Processes events available for this Broker.
* @param ev a SimEvent object
* @pre ev != null
* @post $none
public void processEvent(SimEvent ev) {
switch (ev.getTag()) {
......@@ -111,21 +111,11 @@ public class HarddriveStorage implements Storage {
maxTransferRate = 133; // in MB/sec
* Gets the available space on this storage in MB.
* @return the available space in MB
public double getAvailableSpace() {
return capacity - currentSize;
* Checks if the storage is full or not.
* @return <tt>true</tt> if the storage is full, <tt>false</tt> otherwise
public boolean isFull() {
if (Math.abs(currentSize - capacity) < .0000001) { // currentSize == capacity
......@@ -134,22 +124,11 @@ public class HarddriveStorage implements Storage {
return false;
* Gets the number of files stored on this hard drive.
* @return the number of stored files
public int getNumStoredFile() {
return fileList.size();
* Reserves space on the hard drive to store a file.
* @param fileSize the size to be reserved in MB
* @return <tt>true</tt> if reservation succeeded, <tt>false</tt> otherwise
public boolean reserveSpace(int fileSize) {
if (fileSize <= 0) {
......@@ -164,13 +143,6 @@ public class HarddriveStorage implements Storage {
return true;
* Adds a file for which the space has already been reserved. The time taken (in seconds) for
* adding the file can also be found using {@link gridsim.datagrid.File#getTransactionTime()}.
* @param file the file to be added
* @return the time (in seconds) required to add the file
public double addReservedFile(File file) {
if (file == null) {
......@@ -188,12 +160,6 @@ public class HarddriveStorage implements Storage {
return result;
* Checks whether there is enough space on the hard drive for a certain file.
* @param fileSize a FileAttribute object to compare to
* @return <tt>true</tt> if enough space available, <tt>false</tt> otherwise
public boolean hasPotentialAvailableSpace(int fileSize) {
if (fileSize <= 0) {
......@@ -227,31 +193,16 @@ public class HarddriveStorage implements Storage {
return result;
* Gets the total capacity of the storage in MB.
* @return the capacity of the storage in MB
public double getCapacity() {
return capacity;
* Gets the current size of the stored files in MB.
* @return the current size of the stored files in MB
public double getCurrentSize() {
return currentSize;
* Gets the name of the storage.
* @return the name of this storage
public String getName() {
return name;
......@@ -281,12 +232,6 @@ public class HarddriveStorage implements Storage {
return latency;
* Sets the maximum transfer rate of this storage system in MB/sec.
* @param rate the maximum transfer rate in MB/sec
* @return <tt>true</tt> if the setting succeeded, <tt>false</tt> otherwise
public boolean setMaxTransferRate(int rate) {
if (rate <= 0) {
......@@ -297,11 +242,6 @@ public class HarddriveStorage implements Storage {
return true;
* Gets the maximum transfer rate of the storage in MB/sec.
* @return the maximum transfer rate in MB/sec
public double getMaxTransferRate() {
return maxTransferRate;
......@@ -344,13 +284,6 @@ public class HarddriveStorage implements Storage {
return avgSeekTime;
* Gets the file with the specified name. The time taken (in seconds) for getting the file can
* also be found using {@link gridsim.datagrid.File#getTransactionTime()}.
* @param fileName the name of the needed file
* @return the file with the specified filename
public File getFile(String fileName) {
// check first whether file name is valid or not
......@@ -392,11 +325,6 @@ public class HarddriveStorage implements Storage {
return obj;
* Gets the list of file names located on this storage.
* @return a List of file names
public List<String> getFileNameList() {
return nameList;
......@@ -464,13 +392,13 @@ public class HarddriveStorage implements Storage {
* Adds a file to the storage. First, the method checks if there is enough space on the storage,
* then it checks if the file with the same name is already taken to avoid duplicate filenames. <br>
* The time taken (in seconds) for adding the file can also be found using
* {@link gridsim.datagrid.File#getTransactionTime()}.
* {@inheritDoc}
* <p/>First, the method checks if there is enough space on the storage,
* then it checks if the file with the same name is already taken to avoid duplicate filenames.
* @param file the file to be added
* @return the time taken (in seconds) for adding the specified file
* @param file {@inheritDoc}
* @return {@inheritDoc}
public double addFile(File file) {
......@@ -500,14 +428,6 @@ public class HarddriveStorage implements Storage {
return result;
* Adds a set of files to the storage. Runs through the list of files and save all of them. The
* time taken (in seconds) for adding each file can also be found using
* {@link gridsim.datagrid.File#getTransactionTime()}.
* @param list the files to be added
* @return the time taken (in seconds) for adding the specified files
public double addFile(List<File> list) {
double result = 0.0;
......@@ -525,13 +445,6 @@ public class HarddriveStorage implements Storage {
return result;
* Removes a file from the storage. The time taken (in seconds) for deleting the file can also
* be found using {@link gridsim.datagrid.File#getTransactionTime()}.
* @param fileName the name of the file to be removed
* @return the deleted file
public File deleteFile(String fileName) {
if (fileName == null || fileName.length() == 0) {
......@@ -556,26 +469,11 @@ public class HarddriveStorage implements Storage {
return file;
* Removes a file from the storage. The time taken (in seconds) for deleting the file can also
* be found using {@link gridsim.datagrid.File#getTransactionTime()}.
* @param fileName the name of the file to be removed
* @param file the file which is removed from the storage is returned through this parameter
* @return the time taken (in seconds) for deleting the specified file
public double deleteFile(String fileName, File file) {
return deleteFile(file);
* Removes a file from the storage. The time taken (in seconds) for deleting the file can also
* be found using {@link gridsim.datagrid.File#getTransactionTime()}.
* @param file the file which is removed from the storage is returned through this parameter
* @return the time taken (in seconds) for deleting the specified file
public double deleteFile(File file) {
double result = 0.0;
......@@ -597,12 +495,6 @@ public class HarddriveStorage implements Storage {
return result;
* Checks whether a certain file is on the storage or not.
* @param fileName the name of the file we are looking for
* @return <tt>true</tt> if the file is in the storage, <tt>false</tt> otherwise
public boolean contains(String fileName) {
boolean result = false;
......@@ -622,12 +514,6 @@ public class HarddriveStorage implements Storage {
return result;
* Checks whether a certain file is on the storage or not.
* @param file the file we are looking for
* @return <tt>true</tt> if the file is in the storage, <tt>false</tt> otherwise
public boolean contains(File file) {
boolean result = false;
......@@ -639,14 +525,6 @@ public class HarddriveStorage implements Storage {
return result;
* Renames a file on the storage. The time taken (in seconds) for renaming the file can also be
* found using {@link gridsim.datagrid.File#getTransactionTime()}.
* @param file the file we would like to rename
* @param newName the new name of the file
* @return <tt>true</tt> if the renaming succeeded, <tt>false</tt> otherwise
public boolean renameFile(File file, String newName) {
// check whether the new filename is conflicting with existing ones
......@@ -55,13 +55,6 @@ public class ParameterException extends Exception {
this.message = message;
* Returns an error message of this object.
* @return an error message
* @pre $none
* @post $none
public String toString() {
return message;
......@@ -60,12 +60,6 @@ public class SanStorage extends HarddriveStorage {
this.networkLatency = networkLatency;
* Adds a file for which the space has already been reserved.
* @param file the file to be added
* @return the time (in seconds) required to add the file
public double addReservedFile(File file) {
double time = super.addReservedFile(file);
......@@ -75,11 +69,6 @@ public class SanStorage extends HarddriveStorage {
return time;
* Gets the maximum transfer rate of the storage in MB/sec.
* @return the maximum transfer rate in MB/sec
public double getMaxTransferRate() {
......@@ -93,12 +82,6 @@ public class SanStorage extends HarddriveStorage {
return bandwidth;
* Adds a file to the storage.
* @param file the file to be added
* @return the time taken (in seconds) for adding the specified file
public double addFile(File file) {
double time = super.addFile(file);
......@@ -109,14 +92,6 @@ public class SanStorage extends HarddriveStorage {
return time;
* Adds a set of files to the storage. Runs through the list of files and save all of them. The
* time taken (in seconds) for adding each file can also be found using
* {@link gridsim.datagrid.File#getTransactionTime()}.
* @param list the files to be added
* @return the time taken (in seconds) for adding the specified files
public double addFile(List<File> list) {
double result = 0.0;
......@@ -134,26 +109,11 @@ public class SanStorage extends HarddriveStorage {
return result;
* Removes a file from the storage. The time taken (in seconds) for deleting the file can also
* be found using {@link gridsim.datagrid.File#getTransactionTime()}.
* @param fileName the name of the file to be removed
* @param file the file which is removed from the storage is returned through this parameter
* @return the time taken (in seconds) for deleting the specified file
public double deleteFile(String fileName, File file) {
return this.deleteFile(file);
* Removes a file from the storage. The time taken (in seconds) for deleting the file can also
* be found using {@link gridsim.datagrid.File#getTransactionTime()}.
* @param file the file which is removed from the storage is returned through this parameter
* @return the time taken (in seconds) for deleting the specified file
public double deleteFile(File file) {
double time = super.deleteFile(file);
......@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ public interface Storage {
* Adds a file for which the space has already been reserved. The time taken (in seconds) for
* adding the specified file can also be found using
* {@link gridsim.datagrid.File#getTransactionTime()}.
* {@link org.cloudbus.cloudsim.File#getTransactionTime()}.
* @param file the file to be added
* @return the time (in seconds) required to add the file
......@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ public interface Storage {
* Gets the file with the specified name. The time taken (in seconds) for getting the specified
* file can also be found using {@link gridsim.datagrid.File#getTransactionTime()}.
* file can also be found using {@link org.cloudbus.cloudsim.File#getTransactionTime()}.
* @param fileName the name of the needed file
* @return the file with the specified filename
......@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ public interface Storage {
* Adds a file to the storage. The time taken (in seconds) for adding the specified file can
* also be found using {@link gridsim.datagrid.File#getTransactionTime()}.
* also be found using {@link org.cloudbus.cloudsim.File#getTransactionTime()}.
* @param file the file to be added
* @return the time taken (in seconds) for adding the specified file
......@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ public interface Storage {
* can also be found using {@link gridsim.datagrid.File#getTransactionTime()}.
* @param fileName the name of the file to be removed
* @param file the file which is removed from the storage is returned through this parameter
* @param file the file removed from the storage is returned through this parameter
* @return the time taken (in seconds) for deleting the specified file
double deleteFile(String fileName, File file);
......@@ -163,13 +163,13 @@ public interface Storage {
* Removes a file from the storage. The time taken (in seconds) for deleting the specified file
* can also be found using {@link gridsim.datagrid.File#getTransactionTime()}.
* @param file the file which is removed from the storage is returned through this parameter
* @param file the file to be removed
* @return the time taken (in seconds) for deleting the specified file
double deleteFile(File file);
* Checks whether a file is stored in the storage or not.
* Checks whether a file exists in the storage or not.
* @param fileName the name of the file we are looking for
* @return <tt>true</tt> if the file is in the storage, <tt>false</tt> otherwise
......@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ public interface Storage {
* Renames a file on the storage. The time taken (in seconds) for renaming the specified file
* can also be found using {@link gridsim.datagrid.File#getTransactionTime()}.
* can also be found using {@link org.cloudbus.cloudsim.File#getTransactionTime()}.
* @param file the file we would like to rename
* @param newName the new name of the file
......@@ -38,10 +38,9 @@ public abstract class VmAllocationPolicy {
* Allocates a host for a given VM. The host to be allocated is the one that was already
* reserved.
* Allocates a host for a given VM.
* @param vm virtual machine which the host is reserved to
* @param vm the VM to allocate a host to
* @return $true if the host could be allocated; $false otherwise
* @pre $none
* @post $none
......@@ -76,7 +75,7 @@ public abstract class VmAllocationPolicy {
* Releases the host used by a VM.
* @param vm the vm
* @param vm the vm to get its host released
* @pre $none
* @post $none
......@@ -58,10 +58,10 @@ public class VmAllocationPolicySimple extends VmAllocationPolicy {
* Allocates a host for a given VM.
* Allocates the host with less PEs in use for a given VM.
* @param vm the VM to allocate a host to
* @return $true if the host could be allocated; $false otherwise
* @param vm {@inheritDoc}
* @return {@inheritDoc}
* @pre $none
* @post $none
......@@ -108,13 +108,6 @@ public class VmAllocationPolicySimple extends VmAllocationPolicy {
return result;
* Releases the host used by a VM.
* @param vm the vm to get its host released
* @pre $none
* @post none
public void deallocateHostForVm(Vm vm) {
Host host = getVmTable().remove(vm.getUid());
......@@ -76,12 +76,6 @@ public class CloudInformationService extends SimEntity {
public void startEntity() {
* Processes events scheduled for the CIS.
* @param ev the event to be handled.
* @see SimEntity#processEvent(SimEvent)
public void processEvent(SimEvent ev) {
int id = -1; // requester id
......@@ -138,9 +132,6 @@ public class CloudInformationService extends SimEntity {
* Shutdowns the CloudInformationService.
public void shutdownEntity() {
......@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ public class CloudSimShutdown extends SimEntity {
public void startEntity() {
// do nothing
* The method has no effect at the current class.
......@@ -89,5 +89,4 @@ public class CloudSimShutdown extends SimEntity {
public void shutdownEntity() {
// do nothing
......@@ -394,14 +394,19 @@ public abstract class SimEntity implements Cloneable {
public abstract void startEntity();
* Processes events or services that are available for the entity.
* This method is invoked by the {@link CloudSim} class whenever there is an event in the
* deferred queue, which needs to be processed by the entity.
* @param ev the event to be processed by the entity
* @param ev information about the event just happened
* @pre ev != null
* @post $none
public abstract void processEvent(SimEvent ev);
* Shuts down the entity.
* This method is invoked by the {@link CloudSim} before the simulation finishes. If you want
* to save data in log files this is the method in which the corresponding code would be placed.
......@@ -215,11 +215,6 @@ public class SimEvent implements Cloneable, Comparable<SimEvent> {
return data;
* Create an exact copy of this event.
* @return The event's copy
public Object clone() {
return new SimEvent(etype, time, entSrc, entDst, tag, data);
......@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ public class PredicateAny extends Predicate {
* Considers there is no criteria to match an event,
* so any event received by the predicate will match.
* @param ev the event received
* @param ev {@inheritDoc}
* @return always true to indicate that any received event is accepted
......@@ -45,8 +45,8 @@ public class PredicateFrom extends Predicate {
* Matches any event received from the registered sources.
* @param ev the event to check
* @return <code>true</code> if the event matches the predicate, <code>false</code> otherwise
* @param ev {@inheritDoc}
* @return {@inheritDoc}
* @see #ids
......@@ -26,12 +26,11 @@ public class PredicateNone extends Predicate {
* Considers that no event received by the predicate matches.
* @param ev the event received
* @param ev {@inheritDoc}
* @return always false to indicate that no event is accepted
public boolean match(SimEvent ev) {
return false;
......@@ -44,8 +44,8 @@ public class PredicateNotFrom extends Predicate {
* Matches any event <b>not</b> received from the registered sources.
* @param ev the event to check
* @return <code>true</code> if the event matches the predicate, <code>false</code> otherwise
* @param ev {@inheritDoc}
* @return {@inheritDoc}
* @see #ids
......@@ -44,8 +44,8 @@ public class PredicateNotType extends Predicate {
* Matches any event that hasn't one of the specified {@link #tags}.
* @param ev the event to check
* @return <code>true</code> if the event matches the predicate, <code>false</code> otherwise
* @param ev {@inheritDoc}
* @return {@inheritDoc}
* @see #tags
......@@ -44,8 +44,8 @@ public class PredicateType extends Predicate {
* Matches any event that has one of the specified {@link #tags}.
* @param ev the event to check
* @return <code>true</code> if the event matches the predicate, <code>false</code> otherwise
* @param ev {@inheritDoc}
* @return {@inheritDoc}
* @see #tags
......@@ -67,13 +67,13 @@ public class CloudletList {
Collections.sort(cloudletList, new Comparator<T>() {
* Compares two objects.
* Compares two Cloudlets.
* @param a the first Object to be compared
* @param b the second Object to be compared
* @return the value 0 if both Objects are numerically equal; a value less than 0 if the
* first Object is numerically less than the second Object; and a value greater
* than 0 if the first Object is numerically greater than the second Object.
* @param a the first Cloudlet to be compared
* @param b the second Cloudlet to be compared
* @return the value 0 if both Cloudlets are numerically equal; a value less than 0 if the
* first Object is numerically less than the second Cloudlet; and a value greater
* than 0 if the first Cloudlet is numerically greater than the second Cloudlet.
* @throws ClassCastException <tt>a</tt> and <tt>b</tt> are expected to be of type
* <tt>Cloudlet</tt>
* @pre a != null
......@@ -20,8 +20,8 @@ import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.VmAllocationPolicy;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.core.CloudSim;
* NetworkVmAllocationPolicy is an {@link VmAllocationPolicy} that chooses, as the host for a VM, the host
* with less PEs in use.
* NetworkVmAllocationPolicy is an {@link VmAllocationPolicy} that chooses,
* as the host for a VM, the host with less PEs in use.
* @author Rodrigo N. Calheiros
* @author Anton Beloglazov
......@@ -63,11 +63,11 @@ public class NetworkVmAllocationPolicy extends VmAllocationPolicy {
* Allocates a host for a given VM.
* Allocates the host with less PEs in use for a given VM.
* @param vm VM specification
* @param vm {@inheritDoc}
* @return $true if the host could be allocated; $false otherwise
* @return {@inheritDoc}
* @pre $none
* @post $none
......@@ -145,14 +145,6 @@ public class NetworkVmAllocationPolicy extends VmAllocationPolicy {
return maxUtilization;
* Releases the host used by a VM.
* @param vm the vm
* @pre $none
* @post none
public void deallocateHostForVm(Vm vm) {
Host host = getVmTable().remove(vm.getUid());
......@@ -164,32 +156,11 @@ public class NetworkVmAllocationPolicy extends VmAllocationPolicy {
* Gets the host that is executing the given VM.
* @param vm the vm to get its host
* @return the Host of the given vm; $null if not found
* @pre $none
* @post $none
public Host getHost(Vm vm) {
return getVmTable().get(vm.getUid());
* Gets the host that is executing the given VM belonging to the given user.
* @param vmId the vm id
* @param userId the user id
* @return the Host of the given vm and user; $null if not found
* @pre $none
* @post $none
public Host getHost(int vmId, int userId) {
return getVmTable().get(Vm.getUid(userId, vmId));
......@@ -15,8 +15,7 @@ import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.Host;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.Vm;
* A class representing a simple VM allocation policy that does not perform any
* optimization of the VM allocation.
* A simple VM allocation policy that does <b>not</b> perform any optimization on VM allocation.
* <br/>If you are using any algorithms, policies or workload included in the power package please cite
* the following paper:<br/>
......@@ -25,9 +25,10 @@ import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.Cloudlet;
public interface WorkloadModel {
* Generates a list of jobs to be executed ({@link Cloudlet Cloudlets}).
* Generates a list of jobs ({@link Cloudlet Cloudlets}) to be executed.
* @return a list with the jobs generated by the workload or null in case of failure.
* @return a list with the jobs ({@link Cloudlet Cloudlets})
* generated by the workload or null in case of failure.
List<Cloudlet> generateWorkload();
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