Commit 8f60c6dc authored by Ardavan_Roozkhosh's avatar Ardavan_Roozkhosh

c codes and executable files

Pipeline #2742 failed with stages
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
<FileVersion major="1" minor="6" />
<Option title="PB" />
<Option pch_mode="2" />
<Option compiler="gcc" />
<Target title="Debug">
<Option output="bin/Debug/PB" prefix_auto="1" extension_auto="1" />
<Option object_output="obj/Debug/" />
<Option type="1" />
<Option compiler="gcc" />
<Add option="-g" />
<Target title="Release">
<Option output="bin/Release/PB" prefix_auto="1" extension_auto="1" />
<Option object_output="obj/Release/" />
<Option type="1" />
<Option compiler="gcc" />
<Add option="-O2" />
<Add option="-s" />
<Add option="-Wall" />
<Unit filename="main.c">
<Option compilerVar="CC" />
<code_completion />
<envvars />
<debugger />
<lib_finder disable_auto="1" />
# depslib dependency file v1.0
1516698382 source:c:\users\ardavan\desktop\coding\phone book\pb\main.c
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
<ActiveTarget name="Debug" />
<File name="main.c" open="1" top="1" tabpos="1" split="0" active="1" splitpos="0" zoom_1="0" zoom_2="0">
<Cursor1 position="167" topLine="0" />
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
typedef struct PhoneBook_Contacts
char FirstName[20];
char LastName[20];
char PhoneNumber[20];
} phone;
void AddEntry (phone * );
void DeleteEntry (phone * );
void PrintEntry (phone * );
int counter = 0;
int main (void)
phone *phonebook;
phonebook = (phone*) malloc(sizeof(phone)*1);
int iSelection = 0;
if (phonebook == NULL)
printf("Out of Memory. The program will now exit");
return 1;
else {}
while (iSelection <= 4)
printf("\n\tPhonebook Menu");
printf("\n\n\t(1).....> Add Contact");
printf("\n\t(2)-----> Delete Contact");
printf("\n\t(3).....> Display All Contacts");
printf("\n\t(4)-----> Exit The App");
printf("\n\nplease select your desired option ");
scanf("%d", &iSelection);
if (iSelection == 1)
if (iSelection == 2)
DeleteEntry (phonebook);
if (iSelection == 3)
if (iSelection == 4)
printf("The Phonebook will now exit.");
return 0;
void AddEntry (phone * phonebook)
realloc(phonebook, sizeof(phone));
printf("\nFirst Name: ");
scanf("%s", phonebook[counter-1].FirstName);
printf("Last Name: ");
scanf("%s", phonebook[counter-1].LastName);
printf("Phone Number :");
scanf("%s", phonebook[counter-1].PhoneNumber);
printf("\n\tContact successfully added to Phonebook\n");
void DeleteEntry (phone * phonebook)
int x = 0;
char deleteFirstName[20];
char deleteLastName[20];
char nullStr[20] = {"\0"};
printf("\nFirst name: ");
scanf("%s", deleteFirstName);
printf("Last name: ");
scanf("%s", deleteLastName);
for (x = 0; x < counter; x++)
if (strcmp(deleteFirstName, phonebook[x].FirstName) == 0)
for (x = 0; x < counter; x++)
if (strcmp(deleteLastName, phonebook[x].LastName) == 0)
strcpy(phonebook[x].FirstName, nullStr);
strcpy(phonebook[x].LastName, nullStr);
strcpy(phonebook[x].PhoneNumber, nullStr);
printf("Invalid Entry.");
printf("Contact deleted from the phonebook.\n\n");
void PrintEntry (phone * phonebook)
int x = 0;
printf("\nPhonebook Contacts:\n\n ");
for( x = 0; x < counter; x++)
printf("\n(%d)\n", x+1);
printf("Name: %s %s\n", phonebook[x].FirstName, phonebook[x].LastName);
printf("Number: %s\n", phonebook[x].PhoneNumber);
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