Commit e5eb7e39 authored by 9731301's avatar 9731301

Add java doc and add some changes about choosing winner

parent 1fad4f87
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* Block Class represents a block with it cells and number
* @author zahra_fatehi
* @version 0.0
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class Block {
private ArrayList<Cell> allCells;
private int number;
private String turn;
*create a list of cells for the block
public Block(){
allCells = new ArrayList<>();
* @return number of a block
public int getNumber() {
return number;
* @param number is the number of block
public void setNumber(int number) {
this.number = number;
* create 9 cells for a block
public void createCells(){
for (int i = 0 ; i < 9 ; i++ ){
Cell cell = new Cell();
* @param turn is the field that shows how to change the position
public void changePositionOfBlock(String turn){
Cell transporterCell;
if ( turn.equals("right")){
......@@ -71,6 +91,9 @@ public class Block {
* @return all cells in a block
public ArrayList<Cell> getAllCells() {
return allCells;
*Cell Class represents a cell that has color
* this class this class has some methods to set color and checks that cell is available to take
public class Cell {
private Character color ;
private int number ;
public Cell(){
color = 'O';
public int getNumber() {
return number;
public void setNumber(int number) {
this.number = number;
* get color of a cell
* @return color field
public Character getColor() {
return color;
* @param color is the color of cell
public void setColor(Character color) {
this.color = color;
* checks that cell is available to take
* @return true if it is available to take and false if it is not
public boolean cellIsAvailableToTake( ){
if (color.equals('O')){
return true;
else {
return false;
......@@ -66,9 +66,18 @@ public class Pentago {
blockNumber = bot.setBlock() ;
cellNumber = bot.setCell(blocks , blockNumber) ;
if (chosenUser.cellIsAvailableToTake(blocks.get(blockNumber).getAllCells().get(cellNumber))) {
if (blocks.get(blockNumber).getAllCells().get(cellNumber).cellIsAvailableToTake()) {
else {
if (chosenUser.equals(user1)){
chosenUser = user2;
else {
chosenUser = user1;
if (user1.isWinner(blocks)){
......@@ -91,9 +100,19 @@ public class Pentago {
blockNumber = scanner.nextInt() - 1;
System.out.println("plz enter a cell number");
cellNumber = scanner.nextInt() - 1;
if (chosenUser.cellIsAvailableToTake(blocks.get(blockNumber).getAllCells().get(cellNumber))) {
if (blocks.get(blockNumber).getAllCells().get(cellNumber).cellIsAvailableToTake()) {
else {
if (chosenUser.equals(user1)){
chosenUser = user2;
else {
chosenUser = user1;
System.out.println("u can't take this block");
if (user1.isWinner(blocks)){
* User Class represents a User with its color and there is some methods to choose winner
* @author zahra_fatehi
* @version 0.0
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class User {
private ArrayList<Cell> takenCells;
private Character color;
* create a User with taken cells
public User(){
takenCells = new ArrayList<Cell>();
public boolean cellIsAvailableToTake( Cell cellToChoose ){
if (cellToChoose.getColor().equals('O')){
return true;
else {
return false;
* @return color field
public Character getColor() {
return color;
* @param color is the color of a user
public void setColor(Character color) {
this.color = color;
* this method checks that this user is winner or not
* @param blocks
* @return
public boolean isWinner(ArrayList<Block> blocks){
//choose the winner
// checking horizontal
int counter = 0 ;
for( int cellIndex = 0 , blockIndex = 0; counter < 12 ; ){// checking horizental
for( int cellIndex = 0 , blockIndex = 0; counter < 6 ; ){
if ( blocks.get(blockIndex).getAllCells().get(cellIndex).getColor().equals(color)
&& blocks.get(blockIndex).getAllCells().get(cellIndex + 1).getColor().equals(color)
&& blocks.get(blockIndex).getAllCells().get(cellIndex + 2).getColor().equals(color)
......@@ -36,17 +49,32 @@ public class User {
&& blocks.get(blockIndex + 1).getAllCells().get(cellIndex + 1).getColor().equals(color)){
return true;
counter ++ ;
if (counter == 3 || counter == 9){
if (counter == 3 ){
blockIndex = 2;
cellIndex = 0 ;
if ( counter == 6){
counter = 0 ;
for( int cellIndex = 1 , blockIndex = 0; counter < 6 ; ){
if ( blocks.get(blockIndex).getAllCells().get(cellIndex).getColor().equals(color)
&& blocks.get(blockIndex).getAllCells().get(cellIndex + 1).getColor().equals(color)
&& blocks.get(blockIndex + 1).getAllCells().get(cellIndex -1).getColor().equals(color)
&& blocks.get(blockIndex + 1).getAllCells().get(cellIndex ).getColor().equals(color)
&& blocks.get(blockIndex + 1).getAllCells().get(cellIndex + 1).getColor().equals(color)){
return true;
counter ++ ;
if (counter == 3 ){
blockIndex = 2;
cellIndex = 1 ;
blockIndex = 0 ;
// checking vertical
counter = 0 ;
for( int cellIndex = 0 , blockIndex = 0; counter < 12 ; ){// checking vertical
for( int cellIndex = 0 , blockIndex = 0; counter < 6 ; ){
if ( blocks.get(blockIndex).getAllCells().get(cellIndex).getColor().equals(color)
&& blocks.get(blockIndex).getAllCells().get(cellIndex + 3).getColor().equals(color)
&& blocks.get(blockIndex).getAllCells().get(cellIndex + 6).getColor().equals(color)
......@@ -55,12 +83,29 @@ public class User {
return true;
counter ++ ;
if ( counter == 3 || counter == 9){
if ( counter == 3){
cellIndex = 0 ;
blockIndex = 1 ;
if (counter == 6){
blockIndex = 0 ;
cellIndex = 1 ;
counter = 0 ;
for( int cellIndex = 3 , blockIndex = 0; counter < 6 ; ){
if ( blocks.get(blockIndex).getAllCells().get(cellIndex).getColor().equals(color)
&& blocks.get(blockIndex).getAllCells().get(cellIndex + 3).getColor().equals(color)
&& blocks.get(blockIndex + 2).getAllCells().get(cellIndex - 3).getColor().equals(color)
&& blocks.get(blockIndex + 2).getAllCells().get(cellIndex ).getColor().equals(color)
&& blocks.get(blockIndex + 2).getAllCells().get(cellIndex + 3).getColor().equals(color)){
return true;
counter ++ ;
if ( counter == 3){
cellIndex = 3 ;
blockIndex = 1 ;
//check diagonal
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