Commit d1c8adc9 authored by 9831063's avatar 9831063


parent ce41b7b1
# MyJava
# Pentago
pentago is a 2v2 strategy game and has a lot of fun!(both playing and writing)
## how to play
we present 2v2 player with two humans as the players
first person starts with black discs and the other player has red discs
first one to have a 5 in-a-row discs in either diagonal or straight lines, is the winner
if players win at the same time with the same move, it's a tie. also when the game board(6x6) is full and the game has no winner it is a tie.
here are commands to place a disc and rotation :
what position?
1 1
it means you chose (1,1) in the coordinates.
which surface to rotate?
1 CC
it means "to rotate first rotating surface 90 degrees counter-clockwise"
or 2 C means " to rotate second one 90 degrees clockwise"
you also can use 1 instead of CC or 2 instead of C
## Contributing
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change. :)
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
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