Commit 44d41b81 authored by Anton Beloglazov's avatar Anton Beloglazov

Fixing VmSchedulerTimeShared...

parent 5f7f205e
......@@ -78,30 +78,32 @@ public class VmSchedulerTimeShared extends VmScheduler {
* @return true, if successful
protected boolean allocatePesForVm(String vmUid, List<Double> mipsShareRequested) {
getMipsMapRequested().put(vmUid, mipsShareRequested);
setPesInUse(getPesInUse() + mipsShareRequested.size());
double totalRequestedMips = 0;
double peMips = getPeCapacity();
for (Double mips : mipsShareRequested) {
if (mips > peMips) { // each virtual PE of a VM must require not more than the capacity
// of a physical PE
// each virtual PE of a VM must require not more than the capacity of a physical PE
if (mips > peMips) {
return false;
totalRequestedMips += mips;
getMipsMapRequested().put(vmUid, mipsShareRequested);
setPesInUse(getPesInUse() + mipsShareRequested.size());
if (getVmsMigratingIn().contains(vmUid)) {
totalRequestedMips *= 0.1; // performance cost incurred by the destination host = 10%
// performance cost incurred by the destination host = 10% MIPS
totalRequestedMips *= 0.1;
List<Double> mipsShareAllocated = new ArrayList<Double>();
for (Double mipsRequested : mipsShareRequested) {
if (getVmsMigratingOut().contains(vmUid)) {
mipsRequested *= 0.9; // performance degradation due to migration = 10% MIPS
// performance degradation due to migration = 10% MIPS
mipsRequested *= 0.9;
} else if (getVmsMigratingIn().contains(vmUid)) {
mipsRequested *= 0.1; // performance cost incurred by the destination host = 90% MIPS
// performance cost incurred by the destination host = 10% MIPS
mipsRequested *= 0.1;
......@@ -109,7 +111,7 @@ public class VmSchedulerTimeShared extends VmScheduler {
if (getAvailableMips() >= totalRequestedMips) {
getMipsMap().put(vmUid, mipsShareAllocated);
setAvailableMips(getAvailableMips() - totalRequestedMips);
} else {
} else {
......@@ -121,68 +123,69 @@ public class VmSchedulerTimeShared extends VmScheduler {
* compared to the amount requested by VMs.
protected void updateShortage() {
//first, we have to know the wight of each VM
//in the allocation of mips. We want to keep
//allocation proportional to it
HashMap<String,Double> weightMap = new HashMap<String,Double>();
// first, we have to know the weight of each VM in the allocation of mips. We want to keep
// allocation proportional to it
HashMap<String, Double> weightMap = new HashMap<String, Double>();
double totalRequiredMips = 0.0;
Iterator<Entry<String, List<Double>>> iter = mipsMapRequested.entrySet().iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()){
while (iter.hasNext()) {
Entry<String, List<Double>> entry =;
//each element of the iterator is one entry of the table: (vmId, mipsShare)
// each element of the iterator is one entry of the table: (vmId, mipsShare)
String vmId = entry.getKey();
List<Double> shares = entry.getValue();
//count amount of mips required by the vm
// count amount of mips required by the vm
double requiredMipsByThisVm = 0.0;
for(double share: shares){
for (double share : shares) {
totalRequiredMips += share;
requiredMipsByThisVm += share;
//store the value to use later to define weights
// store the value to use later to define weights
weightMap.put(vmId, requiredMipsByThisVm);
//now, we have the information on individual weights
//use this information to define actual shares of
//mips received by each VM
// now, we have the information on individual weights
// use this information to define actual shares of
// mips received by each VM
iter = mipsMapRequested.entrySet().iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()){
while (iter.hasNext()) {
Entry<String, List<Double>> entry =;
//each element of the iterator is one entry of the table: (vmId, mipsShare)
// each element of the iterator is one entry of the table: (vmId, mipsShare)
String vmId = entry.getKey();
List<Double> shares = entry.getValue();
//get weight of this vm
double vmWeight = weightMap.get(vmId)/totalRequiredMips;
//update actual received share
// get weight of this vm
double vmWeight = weightMap.get(vmId) / totalRequiredMips;
// update actual received share
LinkedList<Double> updatedSharesList = new LinkedList<Double>();
double actuallyAllocatedMips = 0.0;
for(double share: shares){
double updatedShare = share*vmWeight;
//update share if migrating
for (double share : shares) {
double updatedShare = share * vmWeight;
// update share if migrating
if (getVmsMigratingOut().contains(vmId)) {
updatedShare *= 0.9; // performance degradation due to migration = 10% MIPS
// performance degradation due to migration = 10% MIPS
updatedShare *= 0.9;
} else if (getVmsMigratingIn().contains(vmId)) {
updatedShare *= 0.1; // performance cost incurred by the destination host = 90% MIPS
// performance cost incurred by the destination host = 10% MIPS
updatedShare *= 0.1;
actuallyAllocatedMips += updatedShare;
//add in the new map
// add in the new map
getMipsMap().put(vmId, updatedSharesList);
setAvailableMips(getAvailableMips() - actuallyAllocatedMips);
......@@ -202,7 +205,7 @@ public class VmSchedulerTimeShared extends VmScheduler {
for (Map.Entry<String, List<Double>> entry : getMipsMap().entrySet()) {
String vmUid = entry.getKey();
getPeMap().put(vmUid, new LinkedList<Pe>());
for (double mips : entry.getValue()) {
while (mips >= 0.1) {
if (availableMips >= mips) {
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